(영문) 춘천지방법원 강릉지원 2019.10.02 2019고단992



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.


Punishment of the crime

[criminal power] On November 29, 2018, the Defendant was sentenced to six months of imprisonment with prison labor for special intimidation at the Gangnam Branch of the Chuncheon District Court on November 29, 2018, and on May 30, 2019, the Defendant completed the execution of the sentence at the Gangnam Prison.

【Criminal Facts】

1. On August 14, 2019, the Defendant interfered with business: (a) around 21:30, the Defendant collected the beer’s disease on the wall and the bottom of the wall without any justifiable reason while drinking in the “D” entertainment tavern 2 operated by the victim C (V, 58 years old) with the first underground floor; (b) laid the beer’s disease on the wall and the bottom; and (c) laid the beer into the beer.

Accordingly, the defendant interfered with the victim's main business by force for about 30 minutes.

2. 공무집행방해 피고인은 같은 날 22:00경 위 ‘D’ 유흥주점 앞길에서 ‘주취자가 있다’는 112신고를 받고 출동한 삼척경찰서 E파출소 소속 경위 F, 순경 G이 피고인을 귀가시키기 위해 피고인의 몸을 잡자 ‘’씨팔놈아‘’라고 욕설을 하면서 발로 G의 좌측 발목과 정강이 부위를 수회, F의 정강이 부위를 수회 걷어찼다.

Accordingly, the defendant interfered with the legitimate execution of police officers' duties related to 112 reporting processing affairs.

3. At the request of the above C and police officers, the Defendant was able to return to his house, and the Defendant was on the front of the Defendant’s house located at C of Samyang Police Station Emba (No. 12) around 22:30 and arrived at the front of the Defendant’s house located at C of Samyang Police Station. At around that time, the police officer sent to the scene upon receiving a request for support at the scene, and the police officer sent to the scene.

At around 22:40 on the same day, the Defendant left the direction of the river by cutting down the stones on the patrol car that the police officers left the Defendant from the patrol car to the direction of the river. When the police officers solicited the Defendant to enter the house, the police officers walk up the house, and opened the stone, which is a dangerous object on the Gap's own floor, on both hand, and J was passed.