(영문) 대구지방법원의성지원 2020.04.22 2019가단10424



1. The plaintiff's claims against the defendants are all dismissed.

2. The costs of lawsuit shall be borne by the Plaintiff.


1. Basic facts

(a) The net J (K) and LI (LI) are deadly related tasks;

The plaintiff is a child of the network J, and defendant D, B, E, F, and G are the spouse and children of the network I.

B. The deceased J was the owner of the instant land.

C. On May 28, 1970, the network I completed the registration of ownership transfer on March 10, 1950 with regard to the land of this case on the ground of the former Act on Special Measures for the Registration of Ownership of Forest Land (amended by Act No. 2111, May 21, 1969; hereinafter “former Act on Special Measures for the Registration of Ownership of Forest Land”).

On January 12, 1978, Defendant C completed the registration of transfer of ownership, which was based on the trade reservation on January 11, 1978, based on the grounds for registration, and completed the registration of transfer of ownership, based on the completion of the above sale reservation on May 15, 1979.

E. Defendant B completed the registration of transfer of ownership on January 26, 1999 with regard to the instant land on February 22, 199.

[Ground of recognition] Unsatisfy, Gap evidence 1 through 6, 9 (including branch numbers in case of provisional number), Eul evidence 1, the purport of the whole pleadings

2. The Plaintiff’s assertion J did not sell the instant land to the deceased I.

Nevertheless, the network I shall prepare a false guarantee and complete the registration of ownership transfer on the land of this case.

또한 구 임야소유권이전등기에관한특별조치법 제5조 제1호는 등기원인서류로 읍장 등이 위촉한 3인의 보증서를 제출할 것을 요구하고 있는데, 망 I가 위 허위 소유권이전등기를 신청하면서 제출한 등기신청서(을 제1호증 10쪽)에 ‘부속서류 보증서 參(삼)통’이 아닌 ‘부속서류 보증서 壹(일)통’이라고 기재되어 있는 것에 비추어 보면, 위 허위 소유권이전등기 신청 당시 3인이 아닌 1인의 보증인만이 보증을 한 사실을 알 수 있으므로, 보증 요건 미충족으로 위 소유권이전등기의 추정력은...