(영문) 서울행정법원 2019.07.05 2018구단70755

장해등급 재판정 결정 처분 취소


1. On January 19, 2018, the Defendant’s decision to re-determination of a disability grade against the Plaintiff shall be revoked.

2. The costs of lawsuit shall be.


1. Details of the disposition;

가. 원고는 B의원에서 간호조무사로 근무하던 중 2011. 11. 28. 환자를 돌려 눕히는 과정에서 허리를 삐끗하여 ‘제4-5요추간 추간판탈출증, 요추부 염좌'로 진단을 받아 2012. 11. 30.까지 요양을 한 후 피고에게 장해급여청구를 하였고, 이에 피고는 원고의 척주 장해, 좌측 다리(발목 관절) 기능장해, 좌측 발의 발가락 기능장해를 조정하여 최종 장해등급 8급 결정을 하였다.

1. Insignificant functional handicap A: Category B B 2 of Grade B 8 (A 12, 16 (1), B, 16 (1), 12, B, 2 (a person with minor functional disorder in vertebro and at the same time with vertebal flameral disorder) (ii) the left-hand bridge and the left-hand c left-hand c: one metresh of Grade 5, 8, 7 (one part of the three sections of one bridge) (one bridge, one of which is not properly used): 10 degrees - 10 degrees - 12 grade 14 (one proposal, one proposal, or four other) ; and C: The decision of class B (3) the final functional disability grade of Grade B (6) and the left-hand c) of Grade B (No. 6) shall be applied mutatis mutandis to the scope of movement and the final technical disability grade of Grade D (5).

B. The Plaintiff filed a lawsuit seeking the revocation of the determination of the above disability grade under the 2013-Gu 2013-Gu 55058, but appealed the judgment against the Plaintiff.

According to the recommendation of the court of appeal (Seoul High Court 2015Nu35224), the defendant adjusted the plaintiff's moving disability, the left-hand bridge function disorder, and the left-hand fall disorder in accordance with Article 48 [Attachment 5] of the Enforcement Rule of the Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act Article 48 [Attachment 5] of the detailed criteria for the determination of disability grade by physical part (hereinafter referred to as "detailed criteria for the determination of disability grade"), according to Article 8-5 (f) of the Enforcement Rule of the Industrial
