(영문) 수원지방법원성남지원 2017.05.30 2015가합204607



1. Defendant C and E jointly share KRW 111,461,140 to Plaintiff A, and KRW 108,961,140 to Plaintiff B, and each of them. < Amended by Act No. 1328, May 5, 2015>


1. Basic facts

A. From November 2014, the Plaintiff’s ASEAN (hereinafter “the deceased”) had been hospitalized in the “H Hospital” (hereinafter “the instant hospital”) located in the Manam-si G building operated by Defendant C from around November 201, 2014. The Defendant is the representative of the H Hospital who employs Defendant C and E as a medical specialist with the nepathic spirit, and Defendant D is the head of the deceased’s department, and Defendant E as the head of the planning department of the instant hospital.

B. The center of the 13th floor outer wall of the instant hospital was in a state where the opening of approximately 755 cm wide and 171 cm vertical length is not installed any blocking even though there are about 10 parts of the opening at approximately 135 cm above the floor.

C. Nevertheless, Defendant C and E left the opening of the opening without installing a temporary watch or blocking, and let approximately 15 to 20 patients live outside the opening each week. D.

On May 10:26, 2015, the deceased was sleeped on the 13th floor of the instant hospital, and among five employees of the hospital designated to control the safety of book patients, the deceased divided the gap between 10,000 male staff and other patients on the rooftop and the gap between 10,000 male staff and other patients, and the other slick patients were sleeped on the bottom of the opening of the outer wall, and the body was laid down on the 13th floor below the right bridge, and died from low blood shock shock caused by many damage to the wind that falls on the 4th floor of the same building.

(hereinafter referred to as the "accident of this case"). 【No dispute exists, entry in Gap evidence Nos. 1, 2, 3, 8, 10, 11 (including serial numbers; hereinafter the same shall apply) and the purport of the whole pleadings.

2. Occurrence of liability for damages;

A. A person operating a relevant legal doctrine and hospital is also equipped with necessary equipment to prevent a person subject to forced hospitalized treatment due to a mental and symptoms from attempting to escape or commit suicide, etc., and is also equipped with such equipment.