(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2016.10.12 2015고단1013



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.


Punishment of the crime

around January 18, 2008, the Defendant is D’s partner who purchased from Songpa-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government B apartment Dong from C, and E (Seoul Central District Court Decision 10 million won on June 11, 2010) is the secretary of the Seoul Seocho-gu Seoul Central District Court’s office of G certified judicial scrivener.

The Defendant and E have kept C’s seal imprint, certificate of personal seal impression, and copy of resident registration registration for the registration of ownership transfer until the time of finding a third party who will resell the above apartment, because it is difficult for D to carry out the registration of ownership transfer in its own future.

Although the Defendant and E promised C not to use the above seal imprint, etc. for the purpose other than the registration of transfer of the above apartment, they used it to obtain loans from I through H, a credit service provider, in the name of C.

1. Forging a private document;

A. On April 16, 2008, the Defendant and E indicated, without authority, the indication of one building, the indication of the building in Songpa-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government B apartment, the indication of the building in the section for exclusive use, the building number of the building: J: structure, size of reinforced concrete structure: 84.99m2, indication of land which is the object of site ownership, the Songpa-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government KJ 8.95m2, site ownership, site ownership indication, and the type of site ownership: 46.43m2: ownership and site ownership: 8,955m2: 46.43m2; hereinafter “No. 16, 2008,” “establishment of a collateral mortgage,” “60,000,000 won for the purpose of registration,” “60,000,0000 won for the maximum amount of a bond,” and “C’s seal imprint attached to the name and seal attached thereto.”

In collusion with E, the Defendant forged a letter of delegation in the name of C, a private document relating to rights and obligations.

B. On April 16, 2008, the Defendant and E do not have authority to exercise at the H’s office, a credit service provider located in Seocho-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government.