(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2015.10.16 2014가단5051605 (1)

주주권 확인 등


1. As to the shares listed in the attached list to the Plaintiff, the Defendant shall have the name of the shareholder on the list of shareholders.


1. Basic facts

A. The relevant Defendant is a corporation that runs the wholesale and retail business of cosmetics and its actual manager is C (hereinafter referred to as “C, etc.”), and the Plaintiff is the actual manager of E, a corporation that runs the wholesale and retail business of cosmetics (hereinafter referred to as “E”).

B. On February 2012, the Plaintiff, including the establishment of the Defendant Corporation, and C, etc., registered the business of the trade name “F” in the name of “F,” and began the business of domestic sales of “G” (hereinafter “instant products”), a Italian coarcing Madyecing product holding the import and sale right. The Plaintiff and C, etc. decided to hold the total Internet shopping tickets of the instant products in Korea by “F”.

On August 2012, the Plaintiff and C et al. established the Defendant, a corporate entity (the trade name was “F” at the time of its establishment, but the trade name was changed to the current trade name on November 1, 2013), and issued 11,000 shares of shares (one share price: 5,000 won).

At the time, C et al. were to hold the Defendant’s 67% shares and the Plaintiff’s 33% shares, and the Plaintiff was registered as a shareholder of 3,630 shares listed in the Defendant’s list of shareholders (hereinafter “instant shares”).

C. On March 2013, both the Plaintiff and C et al. agreed to sell the instant product through home shopping, and accordingly, the Defendant and C et al. concluded an investment contract under which the Defendant invested KRW 500 million in E and received part of the profits from home shopping sales from E. (2) Thereafter, there was a dispute between the Defendant and E on the total amount of online shopping tickets of the instant product and the distribution of profits from home shopping sales, etc., and the Plaintiff and C et al. agreed to terminate all the club businesses related to the instant product sales, including the total amount of online shopping, around October 2013. < Amended by Presidential Decree No. 2427, Oct. 24, 2013>