(영문) 대전지방법원 2013.03.08 2012고단3986




A Imprisonment with prison labor for a maximum term of two years, for a short term of one year and six months, for defendant B, for a term of one year and six months, and for defendant C, for eight months.


Punishment of the crime

[Defendant A, B]

1. Defendant A and B violated the Punishment of Violence, etc. Act (a collective deadly weapon, etc.), the Defendants conspiredd with the victim E (here 15 years of age) with I who was a former male-gu of Defendant B, and conspireded with the victim for a mixed life, on the ground that the victim E was able to talk with the former male-gu of Defendant B, and that the victim was satisfying with the latter I while talked with the latter I.

On September 28, 2012, at around 12:00, the Defendants expressed a bath to the following: (a) at the first place of residence of Daejeon Jung-gu J Housing No. 403; (b) Defendant B her head debt of the victim who was divingd as his hand; and (c) Defendant B her head debt of the victim who died of the victim “the victim was frighten, her bitched, her bitched, her bitched, and her Chewing.” At the same time, the Defendants expressed a bath to the victim: (a) the victim’s face, face, etc.; (b) the victim’s son face, etc.; (c) the victim’s head debt was taken by hand, and (d) the victim was taken into the above J Housing parking lot; and (e) the Defendants were able to take the victim’ face as drinking together.

At around 13:00 on the same day, the Defendants continued to take back the victim into a frash parking lot where the trade name next to the J-house is unknown, and Defendant B took up the surrounding areas to prevent the victim from walking, and the Defendant A took up the fluoral back of the victim twice due to the fluor, Defendant A took back the back of the victim’s left side of the victim at one time due to the smoke of a boat, which is a dangerous object, and fluoring the victim behind the fluoral and walking the fluor’s fluoral, etc., and followed up the fluor and internal organs for about 3 weeks in need of three weeks of medical treatment for the left side of the victim.

2. Defendant A

A. Around 01:00 on September 13, 2012, the Defendant assaulted the victim’s front part of his hand on the ground that the victim K (n, 16 years of age) passed an examination of L and M, which is a part of the Defendant.

B. The Defendant’s attack against the Victim N.