(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2016.09.09 2016고단5219



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.

Evidence Nos. 1 through 16, and 23 of the total list of seized articles shall be confiscated.


Punishment of the crime

The Defendant, as a foreigner of Malaysia’s nationality, was found to have a method of imposing money from the bond company due to excessive damage to the bond company, on May 2016, the Defendant received a proposal from three (3) persons, such as the name-free Chinese Malaysia, which came to know through North Korea on the name of May 2016, stating, “When our country has a forged credit card and paid to a foreign country with an article designated by us by forging with a forged credit card, it would bring about five to eight (5 to eight)% of the value of the article on the face of the off,” and then accepted the proposal, and then, on July 25, 2016, the Defendant entered the Republic of Korea through the Incheon Airport on July 26, 2016.”

1. On July 26, 2016, the Defendant violated the Act on Specialized Credit Financial Business, in collusion with the above bearers, purchased goods worth KRW 3,840,000,00 in D stores located in Gangnam-gu Seoul, Gangnam-gu, Seoul. In order to pay the purchase price, the Defendant offered forged credit cards, which were forged by the above bearers, to the employees of the above store, and used forged credit cards by signing on the sales slip, as described in the attached list of crimes, including using forged credit cards, by means of signing on the sales slip.

2. The Defendant committed fraud and attempted fraud in collusion with the above person’s name in the manner of purchasing goods at the same time and place as the above mentioned in paragraph (1) above. The Defendant presented to the victim F, an employee of the above store as if the credit card mentioned in paragraph (1) was actually established as if he did not have the intent or ability to pay the price even if the goods were purchased, and received goods worth KRW 3,840,000 from 10:09 on the same day to 15:37 on the same day as indicated in the list of crimes in the attached list of crimes.