(영문) 의정부지방법원 고양지원 2018.10.11 2018고단1642



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than one year and six months.


Punishment of the crime

Around March 2018, the Defendant conspired with the Messenger through the Messenger on March 2018, the 2018 Messenger 1642, and conspired with the Messenger Messenger Messenger Messenger Messenger Messenger Mes, falsely misrepresented his name in a mobile phone message, or asked him to borrow money from the Messenger Messenger Mes, thereby inducing him to transfer money to the Messenger’s account. The Defendant kept the access medium connected to his bank account from a large number of people, and the money that the Mesger was issued by deceiving the large number of people and then transferred by dividing it into the bank account designated by the Messenger Messen.

On March 14, 2018, the name Buddhistist stated that “The existing loans are to be loaned at a low interest rate,” to the victim C as an agent of the D Company E at a closed place, and that “The F shall be repaid at the F’s legal dance account.”

However, in fact, a person who is not a person with no name was not an employee of a financial institution, and the account that was known to the victim was a passbook. Such a statement was made with the intention of receiving money from the victim by using the so-called " Bosishing" method.

The Defendant, in collusion with his name in collusion, was prepared in advance by the Defendant for repayment of the existing loan around 14:36 on the 16th of the same month from the person who is suffering from the damage as above by deceiving the victim.

G’s H account (I) in the name of G to KRW 2 million.

The defendant of "2018 Highest 1809" in collusion with a person in unsound name, and the person in unsound name would misrepresent himself/herself as if he/she were the victim by mobile phone J message, or would allow the victim to borrow a loan by making a phone call to the victim.

By making a false statement, the victim shall be required to remit money to the account of the presidential passbook, and the defendant shall be the one of the presidential bankbooks.