(영문) 대구지방법원상주지원 2015.03.25 2014가단8300



1. Each part of the plaintiffs' lawsuit of this case regarding the real estate stated in the separate sheet No. 5 shall be dismissed.



1. Basic facts

(a) The former land cadastre column of each real estate listed in [Attachment 1-4] in [Attachment 1-4] is E (Korean: F; F; hereinafter “E” in the land register) in the previous land cadastre column of each real estate listed in Attached 1-4.

(2) Each real estate is unregistered on the basis of the date of closing argument in the instant case, stating that it was under the circumstances on December 12, 1913 or February 9, 1915.

B. On the former land cadastre column of the real estate in the attached list No. 5 of the attached Table No. 5, the former land cadastre column of the real estate in the table No. 5 of the attached Table No. 5, indicated that E purchased February 17, 1919 and received the transfer of ownership, and the address of the owner is indicated as “Seoulcheon-gun G”. 2) As to the above real estate, the transfer of ownership is registered in the name of E.

C. 1) According to the Plaintiffs’ various copies (No. 3-1 through 3 of the evidence No. 3), the Plaintiffs are “H” as stated in the evidence No. 3-1 of the Plaintiffs.

2) However, the above certified copy is indicated as H’s address as “I”. D.

The Plaintiffs filed an application for registration and the Defendant’s refusal to file an application for registration with the intent to register the preservation of ownership, etc. on each real estate listed in the separate sheet. However, the Defendant rejected the application for registration on the ground that the address of H stated in the separate copy, etc. is exactly inconsistent with the address of E indicated in the old land cadastre or closed register for each real estate, and thus, it cannot be confirmed that H listed in the land cadastre is the same person.

E. The Plaintiffs are descendants, such as H’s capital loss, entered in a certified copy of H’s inheritance status stated in the certified copy of the removed copy, and the instant case is subject to the inheritance procedure several times.