1. The Plaintiff’s obligation to return allowances to the Defendant does not exist beyond KRW 7,239,813.
1. Facts of recognition;
A. On September 19, 2014, the Plaintiff entered into a contract with the Defendant for commission of posters (MPer; hereinafter referred to as “MP”) and three business managers (SM) and dismissed on January 27, 2016.
B. Of the appointment contract between the Plaintiff and the Defendant and the provision on the payment of each fee of the Defendant’s MP and SM (hereinafter “instant provision on the payment of each fee”) the main contents related to the instant case are as follows.
◎ 위촉계약 제6조 [보험모집 수수료] 1) 회사는 위촉계약 체결과정에서 MASTER PLANNER에게 수수료 관련 회사의 규정내용(구성항목, 계산방법, 구체적 지불방법, 환수기준 등으로 이하 ‘지급기준’이라 함)을 충분히 설명하고 MASTER PLANNER로부터 동의를 받기로 한다. 2) 회사는 MASTER PLANNER에게 지급하는 수수료의 지급 일자를 정하고, 정해진 기일 내에 수수료를 지급기준에 따라 지급하기로 한다.
◎ MP 수수료 지급규정 제8조 (보험모집 위촉계약 해촉 후의 수수료)
1. Where a company's commissioning contract for insurance solicitation is dismissed, the dismissal month and the early subscription fee incurred thereafter shall be paid as the dismissal fee;
3. When a commissioning contract for insurance solicitation is dismissed, all rights of the PP to the fees for maintenance, maintenance fees and other fees, beams, and other benefits or payments arising from the month of such dismissal and the first year thereafter shall be extinguished.
5. Where recovery has occurred even after the dismissal in accordance with this provision and the relevant business regulations, the fee shall be recovered.
Article 15 (Fees)
3. Where a company refunds part of the insurance premium paid fully or partially to a contractor, the company shall immediately recover fees paid in connection with the relevant insurance contract;
Provided, That where it is deemed that there is no reason attributable to MP, the company may exempt the company from the recovery of fees, and the MP itself.