(영문) 서울북부지방법원 2017.12.26 2017가단124140



1. The Plaintiff, ① Defendant B’s building from the annexed list, ② Defendant C’s second floor of the building.


1. Plaintiff’s claim against Defendant B

가. 갑 1~5(각 가지번호 포함)의 각 일부 기재에 변론 전체의 취지를 더하면, 원고의 피고 B에 대한 이 사건 청구원인사실(☞ 별지 <청구원인> 중 피고 B에 대한 해당 부분 참조)을 모두 인정할 수 있으므로, 특별한 사정이 없는 한 피고 B은 원고에게 주문 제1항에 나오는 건물 전체를 인도할 의무가 있다.

B. As to this, Defendant B did not properly compensate for losses due to the wind that erred in the methods of evaluating his compensation for losses, it should be conducted a lawful revaluation, and the settlement funds, etc. have not been fully paid. Therefore, Defendant B’s assertion against Defendant B cannot be a justifiable ground to block the Plaintiff’s claim against Defendant B, and thus, Defendant B’s assertion against Defendant B cannot be accepted.

2. Plaintiff’s claim against Defendant C

가. 청구의 표시(☞ 별지 <청구원인> 중 해당 부분에 나오는 바와 같음)

(b) Judgment on deemed confession (Article 208 (3) 2, the main sentence of Article 150 (3) and the main sentence of paragraph (1) of the Civil Procedure Act);

3. Accordingly, the Plaintiff’s claim for the delivery of each of the instant buildings against the Defendants seeking the performance of each of the above obligations as seen earlier is accepted.