(영문) 수원지방법원 2018.02.14 2017노8106



The judgment below

Among them, the part of the defendant case against the defendant A is reversed.


A shall be punished by imprisonment for two years.


. There is an error affecting the judgment.

B. Defendant A asserts that the sentencing unfair (Defendant A and the Prosecutor) is unfair due to the fact that the sentence of the lower court (two years and six months of imprisonment) is too unreasonable, and the prosecutor asserts that it is unfair because it is too unfied and too unfied.

3. Judgment on the Prosecutor’s misunderstanding of the facts (Defendant B)

A. On June 14, 2015, Defendant B conspired with Defendant A for financing money from a lending company using a personal identification card issued by Defendant A at the mother conference located in Suwon-si, Suwon-si, and Defendant A for financing money from the lending company using the personal identification card in the name of BX.

1) Defendant B, along with Defendant A on June 15, 2015, entered the loan transaction agreement in the BW door-gu located in Suwon-gu around June 15, 2015 as “BX”, “BY”, “BZ” in the mobile phone column, and “BZ***********” in the contract date, “ million won” in the column for the guaranteed debt amount, “ June 15, 2015” in the column for the guarantee period, and “joint and several surety” in the column for joint and several surety without consent of BX.

As a result, Defendant B forged one copy of the loan transaction agreement in the name of joint and several guarantor, a private document related to rights and obligations, in collusion with Defendant A for the purpose of uttering.

B) Defendant B entered, at the same time, at the above time, at the above place with Defendant A, the term “BX”, “BY” in the joint guarantor’s name column, “BY” in the phone number column, “BZ” in the phone number column, and “BZ” in the column of address address without the consent of BX, Defendant B entered into a monetary consumption loan agreement with Defendant A, “CB*****************”, “three million won in the highest amount of debt guaranteed,” and “after June 15, 2015” in the contract date column, and “n” in the column of joint and several sureties.

As a result, Defendant B is related to the rights and obligations for the purpose of exercising in collusion with Defendant A.