(영문) 대전지방법원 홍성지원 2012.12.03 2012고합45




B Imprisonment with prison labor for seven years and for six years, each of the defendants A.

For 10 years, information about the Defendants is provided to the Defendants.


Criminal facts

and the facts constituting the cause of the attachment order [criminal facts]

1. Defendant B

A. In 2006, the Defendant had sexual intercourse with the victim G (the current 15 years of age, 9 years of age, and 9 years of age) who had been playing in F in the vicinity of the waste located in F in the Sincheon-si in order to have sexual intercourse with the victim, and had sexual intercourse with the victim under 13 years of age by force once by inducing the victim to have sexual intercourse with the victim.

B. In 2007, the Defendant had sexual intercourse with the victim under 13 years of age by discovering the above victim (at that time, 10 years of age) near the Defendant’s office located in Bohyeong-si, 2007. The Defendant had sexual intercourse with the victim under 13 years of age by force by finding out the victim’s clothes at the Defendant’s office, leaving the victim’s office, and inducing the victim to engage in sexual intercourse once.

C. In 2008, the Defendant committed an indecent act against the victim under 13 years of age by force, such as finding the above victim (at the time 11 years of age) who was living in the vicinity of the Defendant’s house, kising the victim into the Defendant’s house, kising the victim into the Defendant’s house, leaving the kis, leaving the kis, leaving the kis, etc.

2. Defendant A

A. On May 2007, the Defendant: (a) discovered the victim mentioned in paragraph (1) of the above paragraph (1), who was a deadly related person, who was divingd at the Defendant’s home located in the court of the Gyeong-si, Gyeong-si; (b) had sexual intercourse with the victim’s body; and (c) had sexual intercourse with the victim under 13 years of age by force on one occasion after the victim’s body fell out of the victim’s will; and (d) had sexual intercourse with the victim.

B. On May 2008, the Defendant: (a) discovered the above victim (at that time, 10 years of age) who was divingd at the Defendant’s house at the Defendant’s house; (b) had sexual intercourse with the victim under 13 years of age by force by finding out his body; and (c) retired from the victim’s seat; and (d) had sexual intercourse with the victim under 13 years of age by force.

C. The Defendant, on December 2, 2008, intended to have sexual intercourse with the above victim (at the time of 11 years of age) who was playing at the Defendant’s house at the Defendant’s house.