(영문) 서울고등법원 2019.01.17 2018나2026268



1. The plaintiffs' preliminary claims added to the plaintiffs' appeal and the trial are all dismissed.

2. Appeal;


1. The reasons for the acceptance of the judgment of the court of first instance are as stated in the reasoning of the judgment of the court of first instance, except for the determination under paragraph (3) as to the plaintiffs' preliminary claims added in the trial by the court of first instance, which are judged in paragraph (2) as to the plaintiffs' arguments emphasized in the trial of the court of first instance. Thus, they are

2. Determination as to the plaintiffs' assertion to emphasize

A. The plaintiffs and the defendant agreed to calculate the total sale amount of the commercial building of this case based on 120 square meters (36.3 square meters) exclusive use area.

이에 따라 피고는 2015. 6. 23. 체결된 판매시설 공급계약 약정서(이하 이 사건 약정서라 한다)를 통해 원고들에게 이 사건 상가의 총 분양금액(공급금액)을 675,120,972원(≒ 약 36.3평 × 평당 18,720,000원)으로 정하여 위 상가를 분양하기로 약정하였고, 이후에도 전용면적 기준으로 산정된 679,536,000원(= 약 36.3평 × 평당 18,720,000원)에 공급하겠다는 의사를 표명하였으므로, 피고는 원고들에게 위 상가를 679,536,000원에 분양ㆍ공급하여야 할 의무가 있다.

B. In full view of the overall purport of each entry and pleading in Gap evidence Nos. 6 and 7, among the commercial buildings of this case, Hho (the real estate indicated in paragraph (1) of the attached Table) is the supplied area of 8.92 square meters (46.97 square meters in exclusive use area) and I (attached Form No. 2) is the supplied area of 139.78 square meters (65.95 square meters in common use area of 73 square meters in exclusive use area) and the supplied area of 139.78 square meters in common use area (65.95 square meters in common use area of 73.83 square meters in exclusive use area) and the entire supplied area is equal to 228.7 square meters in total. The purpose of Article 1 of the instant agreement is to enter into a sales facility supply contract with the plaintiff and to enter into this agreement before the conclusion of the supply contract, and Article 2(1) of the same purport is to the effect that "the Plaintiff applied for the sale of lots and lots shall be KRW 675,120."