(영문) 인천지방법원 2019.01.17 2018고합494



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for four years.

150,000,000 won shall be additionally collected from the defendant.

As to the defendant.


Punishment of the crime

One of the facts charged in the two cases joined shall be consolidated and entered.

The Defendant, in collusion with the above delivery volume, B, C, etc., planned to import the phone from the Republic of Korea to the Republic of Korea. The above delivery volume of the phone is to enter the Republic of Korea after concealing the phone from the large to the body of the carrier. B, upon the instructions of the above delivery volume, made contact with the Defendant in accordance with the instructions of the above delivery volume of the phone, performed the role of an intermediate book to detect whether or not the phone is traded or to consult with the Defendant, and the delivery volume of the phone is to transport the phone to the Republic of Korea by concealing the phone to the body in accordance with the instructions of the above delivery volume of the carphone. D, after monitoring the detection of the customs office in the air carrier such as the above delivery volume, performed the role of delivering the phone to the Defendant with the above delivery volume of the phone back to the airport or the airport in advance, and then, by delivering the phone back to the Defendant.

1. On March 10, 2018, B, who received a contact with the Defendant using the “E”, a mobile phone from the early patrolman on March 10, 2018, specified the trading volume and transaction amount of the instant phone, the date and place of the transaction, and the contact method, and then sent it again to the large phone supply book.

On March 10, 2018, the volume of the large-scale philopon supply is as follows: (a) concealed approximately 2 kg of philopon on a hotel located in large-scale Libera around the new wall at the hotel located in large-scale Libera; and (b) instruct the said F and G to board the Korean Flight.