(영문) 청주지방법원 2015.12.24 2015고단1814




A Imprisonment of 10 months, Defendant B, C, and E shall be sentenced to 4 months of imprisonment, Defendant D, and F shall be subject to a fine of 3,00,000 won.


Punishment of the crime


A is an employee who manages the above game site, such as exchange, settlement of accounts, driving of vehicles, and tobacco in a Cheongju-si, the president of the game site in which the name-free sea of the petition is located in H, and the defendant B, the defendant C, the defendant D, the defendant E, the defendant E, and the defendant F are employees who manage the above game site.

1. No one shall provide the Defendants with a game product for distribution or use, display or keep it for such purposes, and exchange, exchange, arrange for the exchange or repurchase of any tangible or intangible result obtained through the use of the game product, or engage in a business of purchasing it, and no one shall engage in a business of speculative acts using slot machines or speculative gaming machines, other than speculative business;

그럼에도 불구하고 피고인들은 성명불상의 실업주와 함께 2015. 10. 9.경부터 같은 달 10. 12.경까지 위 게임장에서, 출입문을 시정한 후 영업용 휴대전화로 연락을 하고 일명 깜깜이 차량을 이용하여 데리고 온 손님들만 CCTV로 얼굴을 확인하고 출입시키는 방법으로 위 게임장을 운영하면서 게임물등급위원회로부터 등급분류를 받지 아니한 사행성유기기구인 바다이야기 게임물 70대를 설치하여 손님들의 이용에 제공하고, 손님들이 위 게임물의 이용을 통하여 획득한 점수를 환전수수료 명목으로 10% 공제한 후 현금으로 지급해 주었다.

As a result, the defendants provided ungraded game products in collusion with the name-free persons and exchanged the results obtained through the use of game products, and operated a speculative business using speculative gaming machines.

2. Defendant A, around October 8, 2015, intended to serve as a first president from the unemployment week of the above game room on his/her name in the above game room, and the game machine purchase site, model name, and model name.