(영문) 전주지방법원 2019.08.08 2018가합2041

이사장 등 당선무효확인 청구


1. Of the instant lawsuits, the part of the claim for confirmation of invalidation of the Defendant’s decision made as the elected person of the director shall be dismissed.



1. Basic facts

A. The Defendant Cooperative was established with the aim of contributing to the improvement of the welfare of its members and the balanced development of regional economy by providing members with convenience of finance and life. The Plaintiff, as a member of the Defendant Cooperative, was run as a candidate for the election of the chief executive officer of the Defendant Cooperative, which was conducted at the 45th regular general meeting on January 27, 201

B. As the term of office of the existing executives of the Defendant Union expired, the above 45th regular meeting held an election of executive officers (hereinafter “instant election”).

In the election of this case, 15 candidates were elected as chief director, 1 vice chief director, 5 directors, 3 auditors, and 15 candidates were elected. As a result of voting by 5,790 total electors of the Defendant Union, 1,811 of the number of votes as listed below, the number of votes as stated in the following table was as the chief director of the Defendant Union, G as the chief director of the Defendant Union, G as the chief director, G as the chief director, G, D, I, and L were elected in the order of multiple votes, and the Defendant Union declared that they were elected as executive officers.

【 이 사건 선거 결과 】 이사장 부이사장 이사 감사 기호 성명 득표수 기호 성명 득표수 기호 성명 득표수 기호 성명 득표수 1 F 1,085 1 M 641 1 N 506 1 J 1,079 2 C 1,081 2 O 588 3 H 993 4 D 965 2 A (원고) 662 2 G 1,071 3 K 1,060 5 I 943 6 P 498 4 L 1,011 7 E 978 ◎ 신용협동조합법 제27조의2(임원의 선거운동 제한) ② 누구든지 임원 선거와 관련하여 다음 각 호의 방법 외의 선거운동을 할 수 없다.

However, simple statement of opinion, expression of intention, preparation of candidate and election campaign, or ordinary business activities for an election campaign shall not be deemed as an election campaign.

1. Posting propaganda posters;

2. Distributing official election bulletins;

3. Holding joint speeches or public forums;

4. An appeal for support by telephone (including text messages) or computer (including electronic mail).