(영문) 대전지방법원 2019.04.10 2016가단210617



1. Insurance contracts between the plaintiff and the defendant with regard to insurance accidents listed in attached Form 2 shall be concluded in attached Form 1.


1. Basic facts

A. On April 21, 2005, the Plaintiff concluded an insurance contract with C as shown in attached Form 1 with the Defendant as the insured.

(hereinafter “instant insurance contract”). (b)

The terms and conditions of the instant insurance contract relating to the instant case are as follows.

(hereinafter “instant Terms and Conditions”) . [General Terms and Conditions] Article 14 (Damages) (1) A Company shall compensate for any damage resulting from such injury (hereinafter “damage”) in accordance with the terms and conditions, if the insured sustains bodily injury due to a sudden and incidental accident during the period of insurance (hereinafter “accident”).

[Bodily Injury, Death, Disability Security Clause] Article 1 (Compensation for Loss) Company shall be bound by this Special Clause if the insured has sustained bodily injury due to an accident stipulated in Article 14 of the General Terms and Conditions during the insurance period of this Special Terms and Conditions stated in the Insurance Policy.

Article 6 (Insurance Money for Severe Disability) (2) In general, the Company shall pay to the beneficiary the amount calculated by multiplying the payment rate prescribed in the subparagraphs of attached Table 2 by the insurance policy stated in the insurance policy if the insured has suffered an injury during the insurance period by an accident prescribed in Article 14 of the General Terms and Conditions, and as a result, the company has lost part of the body within one year from the date of the accident, or has lost its function permanently (hereinafter referred to as "post disability") and the remaining disability (hereinafter referred to as "general disability") equivalent to less than 80% of the payment rate of the residual disability payment table set forth in the attached Table 2 remains.

The kind and payment rate (%) of the residual disability;

4. The rate of disability payment in attached Table 2 of 20% when at least 14 loss has occurred in the course of the occurrence of at least 14 losses. [Attachment 1] of the terms and conditions of this case

C. The Defendant was dismissed by 8 accidents listed below [Attachment 2] Nos. 1 through 6.