(영문) 대전지방법원 2014.05.16 2013고단2900




M One year of imprisonment, two years of imprisonment for each of the defendant NA, one year of imprisonment for the defendant'sO, and four months of imprisonment for the defendant P.


Punishment of the crime


M on February 1, 2013, after being sentenced to two years of suspended sentence for the crime of interference with business at the Seoul Central District Court on June, 2013, the judgment became final and conclusive on February 9, 2013.

[2013 Highest 2900 (Defendant M) around January 1, 2011, the Defendant established 9 computers and 5 Internet lines in the Dong-gu Daejeon-gu Seoul Special Metropolitan City’s “X” office, and purchased 108,000 won in cash from AD using three accounts in its name (Z, AA, AB) and three accounts in its name (Account Number: AC) and remitted 108,000 won in total from the same method until April 2, 2012.

[2013 Highest 4754] Defendant NAO is a high class of game money exchange and Defendant PP2 game money exchange.

1. Defendant NAO’s joint criminal conduct

A. Violation of the Game Industry Promotion Act: around April 2012, the Defendants: (a) invested 5 million won in each person under the pretext of using computer purchase and studio deposit; (b) opened five computers at approximately 12 square meters in the name of "AF" around April 12, 2012; (c) opened an advertisement to exchange cyber money with cash in the name of "AG" with the 10 billion won; and (d) opened an advertisement to exchange cyber money in the name of "AG" with money at the time of Daejeon; and (e) purchased the 160,000 won in the name of "AG bank (Account Number: AH); and (e) opened an account using the name of "AF" in the name of "AF; and (e) opened an account number of 160,000 won in the name of "AG" to August 7, 2012; and (e) opened an account using the AG account number of 1.360,19636,15