A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for four years.
The defendant shall complete a sexual assault treatment program for 300 hours against the defendant.
Punishment of the crime
1. Crimes related to victims D;
A. On August 24, 2014, at around 23:00 on August 24, 2014, the Defendant stolen a car number plate to use it to avoid traffic control, such as speed, or committing a crime by using a vehicle, and discovered C Cost Star vehicle owned by the victim D and removed the front number plate of the said vehicle.
B. On August 2014, the Defendant forged one motor vehicle registration number plate, which is an air signer, for the purpose of exercising “C” on the Hadrid paper using a computer, private pen, Myeonk-blade, etc. at the Defendant’s house located in the Hadrid, which is located in the Hadrid Group.
C. Around 22:30 on September 23, 2014, the Defendant violated the Automobile Management Act, counterfeited air events, and unlawful use air defense events: (a) removed Defendant’s FK7 vehicle front and rear number plates before and after Defendant’s operation in front of the Cheongju driver’s license test site located in 131-20, the Cheongju-si Education Center, and (b) attach one forged registration number plate as stated in the above paragraph (a) front and rear, and then attach one motor vehicle registration number plate that was stolen as stated in the above paragraph (a) at the front and rear time; and (b) from that time up to 02:0 of the following day, the Defendant exercised the said KS7 motor vehicle registration number plate that was unlawfully used; (c) exercised the misappropriation motor vehicle registration number plate; and (d) exercised the forged air resistant motor vehicle registration number plate.
2. Crimes related to victim G;
가. 성폭력범죄의처벌등에관한특례법위반(특수강간) 피고인은 2014. 9. 23. 22:00경 퇴근하면서 휴대폰 조건만남 채팅 애플리케이션인 “즐톡”을 통해 성매매 대상을 구하기로 마음먹고, 자신의 신원을 감추기 위하여 같은 날 22:30경 위와 같이 자동차등록번호판을 교체한 후, 다음날인
9. 24. 00:28경 청주시 흥덕구 2순환로 1229 청주고속터미널 부근에서 휴대폰으로 “즐톡”에 접속하여...