(영문) 대전지방법원 2012.11.30 2012고합328 (1)



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for seven years.

The excessive one man that has been seized shall be confiscated.

disclosure information about the accused.


Punishment of the crime


On May 26, 2006, the person against whom the attachment order was requested (hereinafter referred to as the "defendant") was sentenced to a suspended sentence of 3 years for a violation of the Act on the Punishment of Sexual Crimes and the Protection of Victims (special rape, etc.") in the Changwon District Court’s territorial support.

1. 아동ㆍ청소년의성보호에관한법률위반(유사성행위) 피고인은 2012. 5. 12. 대전 동구 C아파트 놀이터에서 당시 피고인과 내연관계에 있던 D의 딸인 피해자 E(여, 13세)를 처음 보게 되었고, 2012. 5. 15. 18:00경 위 피해자를 자신의 집에서 하룻밤 재우기 위해 보육원에 있던 피해자를 자신의 집으로 데리고 왔다.

On May 16, 2012, the Defendant: (a) around 05:00, around 05:00, at his own residence of Daejeon Dong-gu C Apartment 110 Dong-gu, Daejeon, 409, the Defendant: (b) took a part of the victim’s body, divided the victim’s body into one’s body, suppressions the victim’s resistance; (c) took part in the victim’s body, fright the victim’s chest, fright the victim’s chest, fright the victim’s chest, fright the victim’s breast, knick, knife the victim’s breast, knife the finger into the victim’s sexual organ, and knife the finger.

2. Around 05:00 on May 16, 2012, the Defendant violated the Punishment of Violences, etc. Act (a collective action, deadly weapons, etc.) stated that “the Defendant would complete only once” to the victim E after the above crime was committed, and that the victim would have expressed an attitude that the victim would inflict any harm on the body of the victim, such as showing the body of the body of the body of the victim, by cutting off his/her door, which is a dangerous thing in the kitchen, (10cc in length and 22cc in length). The Defendant expressed a knife with the victim’s head, knife with the left hand, and knife with the victim’s head, and knife with his/her left hand.”

3. The Defendant of the assault is Daejeon around 11:40 on May 25, 2012.