(영문) 전주지방법원 군산지원 2018.11.15 2018고합77



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than three years and six months.


Punishment of the crime

On May 14, 2008, the Defendant, at around 01:15, around 01:15, performed drinking at the second floor of the building B, “C”, together with three alcohols, such as D, and the victim E (29 years old) was drinking together with two alcohols, such as F.

Defendant 1 et al.

F was in the seat of Defendant F with the seat of Defendant F, and tried to cover it as a vision with the Defendant without any particular reason during the conversation.

Accordingly, the victim said F. Among them, the Defendant stated in the bill of indictment for beern which the Defendant was on his own supervisor as “C. C. C.C.” However, according to the evidence duly adopted and examined by this court, the Defendant appears to have been headed at the time, and even if so recognized, the Defendant did not put a substantial disadvantage to the Defendant’s exercise of the right of defense, thereby revising it ex officio.

B) On the other hand, the F head was cut one time, and the victim gets back the back of the Defendant and then dried up on the upper bottom.

The Defendant had been able to take a bath to the victim that occurred, but he was given the employee's restraint and led out of the main point.

Accordingly, the Defendant was able to kill the victim, etc. and entered a restaurant of “G” on the first floor of the building, and called a knife (20cc in length) at the main room of the restaurant, and went out of the restaurant.

The Defendant discovered a mixed victim in the vicinity of the entrance of the first floor, and tried to murder the victim by knife a part of the victim's clothes, facing the victim's knife, knife, which was caused by the victim's knife. However, the victim knife with the wind to prevent the knife with his left arms, and the Defendant tried to keep the victim from several times in knife, but the victim avoided this.

The defendant tried to kill the victim by driving knife the part of the knife with the knife that is back to the knife of the victim, but the victim is right.