(영문) 수원지방법원 여주지원 2021.03.25 2020가단669

가등기에 의한 소유권이전등기


1. The defendant is the Incheon District Court regarding real estate Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4 among the real estate listed in the attached list to the plaintiff.


1. Basic facts

A. B (i) et al., two others, and the Defendant et al., and one other, on April 10, 2017, drafted an implementation agreement with the purport of exchanging the Plaintiff’s husband and the Plaintiff’s husband, and the Plaintiff’s 12 parcels outside the Gyeyang-do Yang-gun E and 12 parcels, and the Plaintiff’s Y, I, and J land located in the Gangwon-do Stick-gun located in

The Defendant transfers the ownership of “Gel” located in YF to B and to two others (hereinafter “M bank’s actual debt amount of 900 million won / N bank current debt amount of 100 million won). The Defendant pays 80 million won of loans of the above 3 parcels of land Nos. 5 in the attached Table owned by the Defendant (including road shares 230 square meters) to B’s order (i.e., the attached list Nos. 1, 2, and 4) out of the five parcels of land (including road shares) indicated in the attached Table No. 1, 2, and 4). The Defendant redeems the Defendant by January 30, 2018.

The Gyeonggi-do PP and four parcels (600 square meters, including road shares), and Q (230 square meters), shall be exchanged to the person ordered by K, with the ownership of the said RR land (i.e., the attached list 3 land), and the ownership of the said RR shall be transferred to the person ordered by K, and provisional registration shall be made until this exhibition (i.e., the transfer of RR loan KRW 40 million). The principal of D’s monetary obligation (i.e., the amount of KRW 180 million) shall be transferred to the person designated by the Plaintiff, and the ownership of the forest land (including road shares, and the attached list 5) in Incheon Si-Gun, Incheon (i.e., the amount of KRW 230,000) shall be transferred to the person designated by the Plaintiff and the provisional registration shall be made (i.e., the transfer of the loan KRW 40,000,000). Each permitted parcel, including H and six parcels (including road shares, shall be consulted

Subject to the above 1. to 5. paragraph (B), the ownership is transferred to a person (T) ordered by D (T) of Gyeonggi-do Yangyang-gun P and about 16 (3,200 square meters).

As above, the area of land that shall be allowed D to transfer ownership to B and K is about 920 square meters, and the sale price of P and 16 lots (3,200 square meters) other than P and P in P in Yang-gun is KRW 1.4 billion, and the sale price of H and 9.20 square meters for P and 4 parcels other than H shall be determined and consulted as KRW 6.2 million.

B. In accordance with the above performance agreement, the Defendant: (a) on May 18, 201, owned the Moel.