(영문) 수원지방법원 2014.3.26.선고 2013고단3987 판결



2013 Highest 3987, 5101 (Joint) 5165 (Joint), 6036 (Joint), 7100 (Joint)

(a) Fraud;

B. Violation of the Act on the Regulation of Conducting Fund-Raising Business without Permission

2014 initially 15 Application for a compensation order


1. (a) Masan (54 years old, remaining), and non-permanent;

Housing Incheon Yeonsu-gu

The members of the Ansan-si Office in the place of registration

2. 가. 나. 정※※ ( 62년생, 여 ) 무직

Housing Gyeyang-gu in Incheon

Incheon Gyeyang-gu


Mancheon National Assembly members, Decree of Emigration (prosecutions), and Hadong (Public Trial)

Defense Counsel

Attorney Jin-young (Law Firm Jin-young for Defendant 1)

법무법인 수목 ( 피고인 정※※를 위하여 )

Attorney Lee Ho-hoon

Applicant for Compensation

Nowon-gu in Seoul Special Metropolitan City (62 years of birth, leisure)

Seoul Jung-gu

Imposition of Judgment

March 26, 2014


Defendants shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than two years and six months.

An application filed by an applicant for compensation shall be dismissed.


Criminal facts

[2013 Highest 3987]

Defendant 1, on February 2013, the U.N. Development Fund (UNFCCCF, UN ITED DES DoVEMMNNNFD), 100 U.S. items, can be disposed of at least 100 U.S. dollars if the item is crossed off and used as a normal 100 US dollars if the item is used. Defendant 1 heard that the money to be used for the purchase cost of the above medicine, expenses for pharmaceutical treatment technicians, etc. will be distributed to the above non-specified foreigners, and attempted to participate in the crime by providing them with purchase cost, etc. of medicine.

피고인 임□□ 는 2013. 5. 경 위 약품 구입비 등으로 사용할 자금을 구하던 중 자신에게 필리핀 납 수입자금 등 명목으로 약 2억 5, 000만 원을 빌려주었으나 이를 돌려받지 못하고 있던 피고인 정※※에게 2013. 5. 경 위와 같은 내용의 이야기를 해주면서 돈을 빌려줄 수 있는 사람을 구해 달라고 하였다 .

피고인 정※※는 피고인 임□□ 로부터 위와 같은 이야기를 듣고 평소 알고 지내던 피해자 노☆☆, 정○○을 피고인 임□□ 에게 소개하여 피해자들로 하여금 돈을 빌려주게 하는 방법으로 피고인 임□□ 와 위 불상의 외국인들의 범행에 가담하여 피고인임□□ 로부터 돌려받지 못하고 있는 돈을 회수하기로 마음먹었다 .

피고인 정※※는 2013. 6. 초순경 피해자들에게 돈이 되는 좋은 일이 있다면서 무역업을 하는 사람을 소개해주겠다고 하여 피해자들이 이에 동의하자, 2013. 6. 12. 서울 서초구 방배동에 있는 상호 불상의 커피숍에서 피해자들에게 피고인 임□□ 를 소개하였고, 피고인 임□□ 는 피해자들에게 ' 내가 무역업을 하고 있는데 지금 공항에 물건이 들어와 있다. 물건을 찾아 미군부대 등에 납품하면 바로 돈이 되는데, 통관절차 비용으로 사용할 1억 5, 000만 원을 빌려주면 1주일 후에 2배로 돌려 주겠다 ' 는 취지로 이야기하였으며, 계속하여 피고인 정※※는 피해자들에게 피고인 임□□ 의 채무에 대하여 보증을 서겠다고 하였다 .

그러나 피고인들은 피해자들로부터 빌린 돈을 위와 같이 스템프가 지워진 달러를 구하는데 필요한 비용과 피고인 임□□ 의 피고인 정※※에 대한 채무변제자금 등으로 사용하려고 하였을 뿐 공항에 보관하고 있던 물건이 없었을 뿐 아니라 스템프가 찍힌 100달러와 관련된 범행은 수사기관에 적발될 가능성이 높아 피해자들에게 제대로 돈을 갚을 의사와 능력도 없었다 .

As above, the Defendants: (a) enticed the victims; (b) received one copy of the KRW 98 million check from the victim’s Nowon-gu Seoul Special Metropolitan City, and received KRW 2 million in cash from the account in the name of the Defendant, and (c) received five copies of the KRW 10 million check from the Defendant’s office located in the Nam-gu Incheon Special Metropolitan City, Chungcheongnam-gu, Incheon Special Metropolitan City.

【2013 Highest 5101】

1. On May 201, 201, Defendant 1 did not develop a mine or extract money in the Philippines. Defendant 1 borrowed money from the victim’s scambling from the victim’s scambling and scambling and used the money for the repayment of the debt and living expenses of Defendant 1 and did not have the intent and ability to repay the money borrowed from the victim.

Nevertheless, on May 31, 201, 201, Defendant 1: (a) developed gold mines to the victim on May 31, 201; and (b) collected 8 km money; (c) made a false statement that Defendant 1 would borrow money from the Plaintiff when he borrowed money to the Republic of Korea due to lack of flight fees to be brought into Korea.

Defendant 1, as seen above, was accused of the victim and immediately deposited KRW 3 million from the victim’s account in the name of Defendant 1. From the above date and time to July 201, 201.

22. Until now, as described in attached Table 1-5, the sum of KRW 9.8 million was paid five times in five times under the name of aviation charges, customs duties, etc. necessary for gold revenues.

2. On April 2012, 2012, Defendant 1: (a) the fact that around April 2012, Defendant 1 was about the so-called black money, the test color of which changed to USD 100 on a booming paper; (b) however, there was no large amount of funds to obtain the above black money; and (c) the above crime was committed by an investigation agency.

The possibility of detection was rarely high, and there was little possibility of realizing profits, and there was no intention or ability to repay the borrowed money from the victim only when the victim borrowed money from the victim to use it with the debt repayment and living expenses of the defendant Park Jong-young.

Nevertheless, on April 20, 2012, Defendant 1 received demand for payment of the money from the victim before, and the victim displayed the test paper of the size of USD 100 and changed to USD 100 and can be used as the actual amount of USD 100 if the drug was disposed of in this money. Defendant 1 made a false statement to “I will full payment of the money borrowed prior to the lending of the money to be used as medicine treatment expenses.”

Defendant 1, as described in attached Table 6-13 from the date and time to July 25, 2012, was paid KRW 10,720,000,000 in total on eight occasions under the name of the above drug treatment cost, monthly refund cost, etc., as stated in attached Table 6-13, by deceiving the victim and immediately receiving KRW 3,00,000 from the victim.

3. On July 27, 2012, Defendant 1: (a) did not develop a mine or extract gold in the Philippines; and (b) did not import gold; and (c) did not intend to use money from the victim’s scambling from the victim’s scambling; and (d) did not have the intent and ability to repay the money borrowed from the victim.

Nevertheless, Defendant 1, who received money from the Republic of Korea, was in the custody of the victim, and the airport was in need of storage fees to recover money, and Defendant 1, who borrowed money before the loan, made a false statement.

Defendant 1, as mentioned above, was accused of the victim and immediately received KRW 2 million from the victim to the account in the name of Brone Brone, as well as deposited KRW 2,50,000 from the above date to March 28, 2013, Defendant 1 received KRW 2,50,050,000,000 in total, from the above date and time to March 28, 2013 as stated in attached Table 14-23.

As a result, Defendant 1 deceiving was informed of the victim and received a total of KRW 50,050,000 from the victim about 23 times.

[2013 Highest 5165]

1. Crimes against gambling victims;

Defendant 1, around November 17, 201, at the mutual infinite coffee shop in Dongjak-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government Nowon-gu, Defendant 1 is running gold mine development business in the Philippines from September 201 to September 201. The money is urgently needed to prepare documents to attract foreign capital. The UK cashier’s checks held are to be repaid within a period of time if it is lent money. In the future, there is no time to change the UK cashier’s checks, and there is no investment amount of more than 500 million won, and it is false to lend KRW 500 million with business funds as interest free.

However, at the time, Defendant 1 did not carry out the gold mine development project, but did not have the UK cashier's checks available for money exchange, and even if it borrowed money from the victim due to the fact that it is not expected to enter the next investment fund, there was no intention or ability to repay it.

Defendant 1, 10 million won, by deceiving the victim as such, was transferred from the victim to the victim for the same day as the loan.

2. 피해자 김◆◆에 대한 범행

피고인 임□□ 는 2011. 12. 2. 경 전항의 장소에서 같은 방법으로 피해자 김◆◆를 기망하여 이에 속은 피해자로부터 같은 날 150만 원, 같은 달 22. 경 150만 원, 같은 달 23. 경 100만 원, 2012. 1. 3. 경 10만 원을 등 차용금 명목으로 합계 410만 원을 송금받아 이를 편취하였다 .

[2013 Highest 6036]

Defendant 1, from May 201 to March 2013, 201, Defendant 1, who was aware of knife, was unable to develop the gold mine in the Philippines and mine the gold, or treat chemicals, he borrowed approximately KRW 52 million in total from knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife.

Defendant 1: (a) on April 2013, 2013, Defendant 1: (b) had no goods to be found in the military unit; (c) had been kept in the military unit; and (d) had no goods to be found in the military unit; and (d) had lent money to the military unit; (c) he had to recover the goods from the military unit, and (d) had to have the money lent to him; and (d) Mandong requested the victim x to lend money.

On April 16, 2013, Defendant 1 met the victim at the coffee shop in the vicinity of the U.S. military unit in Yongsan-gu, Seoul, along with knife knife knife, and knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife.

Defendant 1, as seen above, was accused of the victim and immediately issued KRW 20 million to the account in the name of Kim Jong-si.

[2013 Highest 7100]

1. Violation of the Act on the Regulation of Conducting Fund-Raising Business without Permission;

피고인 정※※는 금융투자업 등을 목적으로 하는 업체인 ' * * 포트 ' 의 실질적인 운영자이고, 문△△는 위 업체의 명목상 대표이며, 박▲▲은 위 업체의 투자자 모집책이다 .

No person shall engage in a business of raising funds from many and unspecified persons without obtaining authorization, permission, registration, reporting, etc. under the related Acts and subordinate statutes, and engage in an act of fund-raising from an unspecified number of persons without having agreed to pay the total amount of investment or an amount in excess thereof in the future.

그럼에도 불구하고 피고인 정※※, 문△△는 2011. 11. 경부터 2012. 4. 경까지 인천 부평구 부평동에 있는 ' * 포트 ' 사무실에서 관계 법령에 따른 인가 · 허가를 받거나 등록 · 신고 등을 한 사실이 없음에도 불구하고, 위 사무실을 찾은 불특정 다수의 투자자들에게 ' * * 포트에 투자하면 외환거래를 통해 수익을 남겨 매월 투자금의 5 % 에 해당하는 수익을 고정적으로 지급하고, 최소 투자기간은 6개월인데 15일 전에 해지요청을 하면 위약금을 공제한 원금을 반환해 주겠다 ' 는 취지로 설명하면서 투자를 권유하였다 .

위와 같은 과정에서 박▲▲은 2012. 12. 중순경 한▽▽에게 위 * * 포트를 소개하면서 투자를 권유한 다음 2012. 12. 28. 한▽▽을 위 * * 포트 사무실로 안내하였고, 피고인정※※와 문△△는 한▽▽을 상대로 위와 같은 취지의 설명을 하였으며, 피고인 정※※는 한▽▽으로부터 투자금 명목으로 2011. 11. 29. 6, 000만 원, 2012. 2. 17. 4, 000만원, 2012. 2. 22. 4, 000만 원, 2012. 2. 24. 3, 000만 원, 2012. 3. 29. 1, 000만 원 등 5회에 걸쳐 합계 1억 8, 000만 원을 교부받았다 .

이로써 피고인 정※※는 문△△, 박▲▲과 공모하여 유사수신행위를 하였다 .

2. Fraud;

피고인 정※※와 문△△는 외환거래 또는 소고기수입사업 등에 대하여 전혀 알지 못하는 문외한으로 위와 같이 불특정 다수의 투자자들로부터 받은 투자금의 일부를 외환거래 또는 소고기수입사업 등에 투자하더라도 사업 타당성 내지 수익 발생 가능성 등에 대한 검토 능력이 전혀 없었고, 투자처의 투자금의 집행을 관리하거나 투자금의 회수를 담보할 장치도 전혀 없었으며, 계속적인 투자수익이 발생하지 않는 한 후순위 투자자의 투자금으로 선순위 투자자들에 대한 수익금을 분할하여 지급하는 속칭 돌려막기를 반복하다보면 결국 투자자들에게 고정적인 수익금을 지급하는 것이 불가능하게 된다는 것을 잘 알고 있었다 .

그럼에도 불구하고 피고인 정※※와 문△△는 2012. 12. 28. 위 * * 포트 사무실에서 피해자 한▽▽에게 제1항 기재와 같이 투자금의 매월 5 % 에 해당하는 수익금을 고정적으로 지급하겠다는 취지로 거짓말을 하였다 .

피고인 정※※는 문△△와 공모하여 위와 같이 피해자를 기망하여 이에 속은 피해자로부터 투자금 명목으로 2011. 11. 29. 6, 000만 원, 2012. 2. 17. 4, 000만 원, 2012. 2 .

22. A delivery was received on five occasions, including KRW 40 million, KRW 30 million on February 24, 2012, and KRW 180 million on March 29, 2012, and KRW 100 million on five occasions.

Summary of Evidence

[2013 Highest 3987]

1. Defendants’ legal statement

1. Statement of the police statement to Nowon-gu, Seoul Special Metropolitan City, and Cheong-○;

1. Details of transactions in each passbook;

1. Each loan certificate (2013 highest 5101);

1. The legal statement of the defendant △△;

1. Statement of the police statement about boomment;

1. Details of account transactions;

[2013 Highest 5165]

1. The legal statement of the defendant △△;

1. Statement of police statement on ○○○;

1. Copy of the loan certificate;

1. Details of deposit transactions;

[2013 Highest 6036]

1. The legal statement of the defendant △△;

1. A protocol concerning the examination of suspect of stuffed crime;

1. Statement of the police statement on Kimx;

[2013 Highest 7100]

1. 피고인 정※※의 법정진술

1. 박▲▲, 문△△에 대한 검찰피의자신문조서

1. The police statement concerning the Korea ▽▽▽;

1. Each written agreement of investment;

1. Each deposit certificate and details of each account transaction (attached documents to a written complaint);

Application of Statutes

1. Article applicable to criminal facts;

피고인 임□□ : 각 형법 제347조 제1항, 제30조 ( 피해자 노☆☆, 정○○에 대한 각 사기의 점 ), 각 형법 제347조 제1항 ( 피해자 박◎◎, 박소, 김◆◆에 대한 각 사기의 점 ), 형법 제347조 제1항, 제34조 제1항, 제31조 제1항 ( 피해자 김xx에 대한 사기의 점 )

피고인 정※※ : 각 형법 제347조 제1항, 제30조, 유사수신행위의 규제에 관한 법률제6조 제1항, 제3조, 형법 제30조

1. Selection of punishment;

Defendants: Imprisonment Decision

1. Aggravation for concurrent crimes;

Defendants: former part of Article 37, Articles 38(1)2 and 50 of the Criminal Act

1. Dismissal of an application for compensation order;

The reason for sentencing under Article 32(1)3 of the Act on Special Cases Concerning the Promotion, etc. of Legal Proceedings: The defendant's confession and reflects the defendant, the fact that the defendant committed the crime by deceiving foreigners, the favorable circumstance that the damage inflicted by the defendant to the victims is KRW 230 million, the damage was repaid to the victims, and the victim did not reach an agreement, the sentence is inevitable to determine the punishment like the order, taking into account all the sentencing conditions under Article 51 of the Criminal Act.

피고인 정※※ : 피고인은 자백, 반성하고 있고, 노☆☆, 정○○으로부터 편취한 금원의 상당액은 임□□ 가 사용한 점은 유리한 정황이나 피고인이 피해자들에 입힌 피해액이 3억 3, 000여만 원에 이르는 점, 그 중 3, 000여만 원만 반환된 점, 피해자들과 합의가 되지 않은 점, 피고인이 유사수신행위의규제에관한법률위반죄로 수차례 처벌 받았음에도 동일한 범행을 범한 점 등을 감안하면 실형선고가 불가피하여 형법 제51조의 제반 양형 조건들을 참작하여 주문과 같이 형을 정하기로 한다 .


Judges Lee J-young