(영문) 서울남부지방법원 2020.03.19 2020고단368



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for a maximum term of one year and eight months, respectively.


Punishment of the crime

1. At around 13:00 on January 7, 2020, the Defendant did not take necessary procedures, such as acquiring a driver’s license under the name of a victim, who is the victim’s ownership, B, who owns the floor fall in the vicinity of Gangdong-gu Seoul Metropolitan Governmentcheon Station, and returning it to the victim.

Accordingly, the defendant embezzled the property that has been separated from another person's possession.

2. Special larceny;

가. 2020. 1. 12. 01:00경 범행 피고인은 C와 함께 2020. 1. 12. 01:00경 대구 동구 D에 있는 피해자 E이 운영하는 ‘F’ 가게에 이르러, C가 망을 보는 동안 피고인이 소지하고 있던 손톱깎이의 뾰족한 부분을 이용하여 시정되어 있던 출입문을 열고, C와 함께 위 가게 내부로 들어가 그곳 카운터에 있던 금고에서 피해자 소유인 현금 90,000원을 가지고 나왔다.

Accordingly, the defendant stolen the victim's property together with C.

나. 2020. 1. 12. 01:30경 범행 피고인은 C와 함께 2020. 1. 12. 01:30경 대구 동구 G에 있는 피해자 H가 운영하는 ‘I’ 정육점에 이르러, 피고인이 망을 보는 동안 C가 소지하고 있던 손톱깎이의 뾰족한 부분을 이용하여 시정되어 있던 출입문을 열고, C와 함께 위 가게 내부로 들어가 그곳 카운터에 있던 금전출납기에서 피해자 소유인 현금 100,000원을 가지고 나왔다.

Accordingly, the defendant stolen the victim's property together with C.

C. On January 14, 2020, the Defendant committed the crime with C around January 14, 2020, and around 16:08, at the “L” room operated by the Damage K in Gangseo-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government, Gangseo-gu, Seoul. The Defendant, who was the customer, sent the victim a gold string to the display stand by pretending to be the customer, and the victim sent two gold strings to the display stand, and the victim had two gold 2,020,000 won in total of the market price owned by the victim by using the string crebs.

Accordingly, the defendant is combined with C.