(영문) 청주지방법원충주지원 2015.09.09 2014가단6179

소유권이전등기 말소


1. The Plaintiff:

A. Defendant B is the Cheongju District Court with respect to each share of land listed in the separate sheet No. 1.


1. There is controversy over whether each land listed in the [Attachment 1 and 2] of the issues in the [Attachment 1 and 2 list (hereinafter “instant land”) was title trust as the ownership of the Plaintiff clan, and whether the Defendants’ donation of the instant land from the former registered titleholder is null and void as an anti-social juristic act.

2. Facts of recognition;

A. D clans are the clans of which the E 13-year-old members are the members of the common ancestor, and G clans are the clans of which the members of the F H are the members of the common ancestor.


A clan shall be a clan whose 18-year-old descendants I are the members of a common group, and is the following clans:

Since 1946, the descendants of I began to put in the control of I.D.

I was the son and K, but the 24-year-old L was the son of J, and the 24-year-old M was the son's son, and the 24-year-old son was the son's son's son's son.

B. Around 1936, the above L purchased the land No. 1 of annexed Table 1 from N, the title holder of the land of this case (L around that time, purchased O, P, Q land in Chungcheongnam-si, the plaintiff clan had been installed in addition to the land No. 1 of this case) and completed the registration of ownership transfer on the land No. 1 of this case on September 22, 1939.

After that, in accordance with the Act on Special Measures for the Registration, etc. of Transfer of Ownership of Real Estate (Act No. 3094), which was enforced on September 29, 1980 with respect to the land No. 1 above, each registration of preservation of ownership (one third of each share) was completed in the name of R (M's grandchildren), S (L's grandchildren as the plaintiff's descendants), and T (the plaintiff's descendants as the members of the clan) in the name of the plaintiff's clan at that time.

C. Of the instant land, the remaining lands except the above No. 1 were owned by G clans. On September 29, 1980, R, S, T, and U’s transfer of ownership (one fourth share) was completed in accordance with the Act on Special Measures for the Registration, etc. of Real Estate Ownership (No. 3094).

On September 20, 1994, the general meeting of the plaintiff's clan was held (T, S, V, W, etc.). At the time, U (I's descendants or those adopted into another family) who is not the plaintiff's clan member.
