(영문) 서울남부지방법원 2016.05.18 2016고단910



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.

However, the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for a period of two years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

The Defendant, as a ship of Chinese nationality, withdrawn the amount of damage caused by telecommunications financing fraud (one-person “ Bosing”), and transfers the amount to China.

1. Nameless telecommunications fraud assistance to use computers, etc.: 1. When unspecified victims access the Internet by spreading malicious code from China to the domestic Internet site, the staff has secured financial transaction information, such as an account number and password by misrepresenting the Financial Supervisory Service and a financial institution, and have them transfer money from the victims' account in advance to the victims' account, using it, at around 17:00 on March 1, 2016, when victims access the Internet, at the victim E's office located in Do-si, Do-si, Do-si, Do-si, Do-si, Do-si, Do-si, Do-si: 60 on the Internet account number of the Financial Supervisory Service and 1:60 on the account number of the new bank (1:60 on the account number of the National Bank, 200 on the account number of the victim's account number): 60 on the day on which the victim deceivings the victim to the largest Internet site of the new bank, and 60 on the account number of the victim's account.

그 과정에서 피고인은 성명 불상 조직원( 위 챗 아이디 : R) 과 중국 판 메신저 서비스인 ‘ 위 챗’ 을 이용하여 상호...