(영문) 춘천지방법원 2018.07.11 2017나777



1. The defendant's appeal is dismissed.

2. According to the plaintiff's expansion of the purport of the claim in this court, the defendant shall be the plaintiff.


1. The reasoning of the judgment of this court citing the judgment of the court of first instance is the same as the ground of the judgment of the court of first instance, except for the following “the second higher portion”, and thus, it is acceptable in accordance with the main sentence of Article 420 of the Civil Procedure Act. 2. The judgment of this court citing the second higher portion was “

Then, “after that, the Defendant is above D.

According to the judgment of the lawsuit of demurrer against distribution entered in the claim, KRW 39,368,950, which was distributed as dividends to the plaintiff but could not be distributed to the plaintiff, was additionally received as dividends totaling KRW 122,304,873.

In addition, “A evidence No. 1” of 3 pages 10 is deemed to be “A evidence No. 1 and 4.” 3 pages 21, 4, 7 pages 2, 9 and 12, each of the “82,935,923 won” is deemed to be “122,304,873 won.” 6 pages 1, “the witness I’s testimony” is added to “the witness I’s testimony. 7 pages 8, “the Plaintiff” of 13 others, “as to KRW 82,935,923 among them,” and “as to KRW 13 others”, “the Plaintiff shall be deemed to be “the Defendant,” and “as to KRW 82,935,923, from April 1, 2017 to KRW 39,308,4281, the grounds for the appeal shall be amended,” and “as to KRW 14,201,396,481.

3. The judgment of the court of first instance is justified, and the defendant's appeal is dismissed as it is without merit, and the plaintiff's claim extended by this court is accepted as reasonable.