(영문) 창원지방법원 2013.03.28 2013고합3



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for a maximum term of three years and a short term of two years and six months.


Punishment of the crime

1. On November 19, 2012, the Defendant, along with C, went to the F convenience store where the victim E (the age of 19) in Kimhae-si works as an employee, around 03:50 on November 19, 2012.

The Defendant reported the network at that place, and C used as a convenience store, and assaulted the victim by putting the flabing and pushing the flab of the victim, and threatened the victim with “the victim’s resistance,” thereby suppressing the victim’s resistance, and led the victim’s right to receive cultural products worth KRW 300,000 and the market value.

Accordingly, the defendant took the property managed by the victim jointly with C.

2. Fraud;

A. On August 22, 2012, the Defendant, using a computer installed in the NAV, an Internet flag, where it is difficult to know the trade name located in the Mapo-si, Changpo-si, Changwon-si, Mapo-si, the Defendant made a false statement to the effect that “I will sell one set of gallon gallon gallon flag,” “I will sell one set of gallon gallon flag, which is used for three months,” and reported this fact to the victim H who contacted the victim H with the gallon 3, which was changed to gallon galth, and no normal termination is possible, and the price is KRW 2.60,00 won.”

However, even if the money is remitted from the victim, there was no intention or ability to deliver the above used air system.

The Defendant, by deceiving the victim as above, received 2.60,00 won from the victim as the price for the first and second machinery on the same day.

B. Around August 2012, the Defendant posted a letter stating that “the sales of heavy cell phones will be made” on the said G car page at a place where Changwon-si’s location is unknown, and then made a false statement to the effect that “the victim I, who reported and contacted the above contents, will sell one gallon in KRW 250,000,000.”

However, even if the victim receives money from the victim, there was no intention or ability to sell the main cell phone.

The Defendant above.