(영문) 서울고등법원 2019.12.13 2019나2000041

하자보수보증금 등


1. The judgment of the first instance court, including the claims extended by this court, shall be modified as follows:

The plaintiff 1.


In light of the fact that the door of the shelter for a household is ordinarily closed at all times, it cannot be readily concluded that the above "contest construction is included in the "contest". It is reasonable to exclude the above part from the defect in light of the fact that only the "contest with the temperature of at least 70 cc when fire breaks down," and that the "contest with the door close at low level," which is installed in the door of the apartment household of this case, is unlikely to be able to keep the door shut down at all at all at times, and that it is reasonable to exclude the above construction from the defect in this part [118] 1. Since the door of the balcony is not the same material as the "contested glass", it is reasonable to view the above construction of the balcony as the defect as the defect in this case's construction 97 mix 10 mix 6 mix 97 mix 97 mix 97 mix 97 mix 97 mix 97