(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2013.07.26 2013고합368




A shall be punished by imprisonment for four years, and imprisonment for two years and six months, respectively.

However, the defendant B is subject to objection.


Punishment of the crime

The Defendants, together with M, N,O, etc., obtained money from many unspecified persons for the purpose of bypassing the purpose of investment, and then Defendant A has overall control over the business, Defendant B is responsible for the management of office and members, M gives advice on the overall direction of the business operation, and N andO shared the role of giving business explanation to investors.

1. Violation of the Financial Investment Services and Capital Markets Act;

(a) No person who commits an unfair trading shall use an unfair means, scheme, or trick in connection with trading (including public offering, private placement, and public sale in cases of securities) or other transaction of financial investment instruments;

Nevertheless, on September 17, 2012, the Defendants, along with M, N,O, etc., establish a company of the victims Qu in Seoul Special purpose Corporation to acquire and list the company, and sell the shares of this company to 9,500 won per share.

1 We hold a technical patent in Japan, which injects a stalin vinyl into a stalin vinyl, and are preparing a business to make packing materials by using this patent technology in the Dispute Resolution Co., Ltd.

② In the case of mast-ro, mast-ro, mast-ro, mast-ro, mast-ro, mast-ro, the company that manufactures and sells main-use products, such as instant instant instant World Cup, mast-ro, and mast-ro, the company's food board is being supplied to the National Police Agency. The military unit is also in mast-ro, export contract with Thai-ro, ③ one of our companies manufactures food waste separation and exports all of them to Japan;

④ In the Incheon VV group possessing 17 hospitals, hotels, pharmaceutical companies, etc., the company has participated in the share of 5:5 percent. In this company’s punishment amounting to 50 billion won, 50 billion won would result from us;

(5) A company which manufactures and sells deep sea water shall invest in the Seoul Special Metropolitan City Mayor, which produces refined water and make it possible to do so.