(영문) 부산지방법원 2019.09.03 2019고단606



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than ten months.

However, the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for two years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

[2019 Highest 606] The Defendant, while passing a public telecom building located in Busan Jin-gu, Busan, where he had livedd with his friendship, was aware that the 3th floor of the above public telecom was women's exclusive use, was able to enter the above public telecom to photograph the clothes of women.

1. From November 18, 2018 to November 24, 2018 of the same year, the Defendant: (a) from the point of time on November 18, 2018, around the day of the same year, the Defendant: (b) 4 floors of the elevator with the 3rd floor through emergency stairs; (c) opened a window used by the victim B; and (d) opened the door door to the door; and (d) intruded the victim’s residence, such as photographing clothes inside

2. The Defendant, from November 19, 2018 to November 24, 2018, went on an elevator from around November 24, 2018 to the 4th floor of the above public announcement room from around November 24, 2018, in order to take a photograph of the victim’s clothes again after committing the crime as described in paragraph (1), and infringed upon the victim’s residence, such as taking off the elevator from around November 19, 2018 to the 3th floor through emergency stairs, opening the door door of the room used by the said victim

3. From November 25, 2018 to November 30, 2011 of the same year, the Defendant: (a) from the point of time around November 30, 2018, the Defendant boarded the victim’s residence by getting off an elevator and getting out of the above 4th floor via emergency stairs, opening the window of the room used by the said victim and getting out of the room, and photographing clothes inside the victim’s cell phone, etc.

4. On December 9, 2018, at around 12:20, the Defendant intending to open the windows of the heading rooms used by the victim B by getting off the elevator with the 4th floor of the said public notice room and getting off the elevator through the following emergency stairs, and invaded upon the victim’s residence.

[2019 Man-Ma3210] The Defendant was suffering from “goods obscenity adaptation disorder,” which appears to be frighten in the clothes of ordinary women with a university’s temporary absence, and was in mind in a public notice room for women’s exclusive use to look at the clothes of women.
