(영문) 대전지방법원 2018.09.19 2016가합2820



1. The plaintiff's claim is dismissed.

2. The costs of lawsuit shall be borne by the Plaintiff.


Basic Facts

The parties concerned C purchased the right to move from the original residents of the development zone in Sejong Special Self-Governing City E in the limited competitive bidding, and awarded the contract amount of KRW 1,262,20,000 for the E-commercial business site of Sejong Special Self-Governing City in the limited competitive bidding, and paid KRW 422,220,000 on April 11, 2013.

D and C decided to newly construct a building on the instant land and sell it in lots, and to this end, on May 16, 2013, the Plaintiff was established as an internal director of C, and C gave 25% of the Plaintiff’s share to D. D’s establishment and operation and business related to the building to be newly built on the instant land (hereinafter “F building”).

On the other hand, G Co., Ltd (hereinafter “G”) was established on October 14, 2013 with D’s female He as the only in-house director, and D as the auditor. However, the actual business was performed by I, who is the husband of H.

The defendant is the wife of D.

이 사건 F건물 개발사업 진행과정 ◎ 계약목적물의 표시 구 분 내 용 소재지 세종특별자치시 J 근린생활시설(F건물) 사업장 근린생활시설 지하2층, 지상8층 사업규모 8,045.45㎡ 위 개발사업의 프로젝트 관리 및 업무대행(이하 "PM"이라 한다)과 관련하여 의뢰인인 원고와 수행자인 G는 아래와 같이 업무수행 계약을 합의체결한다.

Article 1. The purpose of this Agreement is to facilitate the promotion of projects and successful completion of the project concerned by supporting specialized project planning, consultation, etc. by G with the implementation of the PM (including the work incidental thereto) of the above development project by G.

Article 2. The plaintiff shall enter into this Agreement and, at the same time, shall examine the PM of the object and shall grant the rights and obligations to G.

◆ G가 수행할 업무범위

1. Body of the business necessary for the implementation of the project;

2. Article 4 of the Business Affairs Cost necessary for the sale of the above-mentioned subject matter (1)