1. The Defendants are jointly and severally liable to the Plaintiff for the amount of KRW 191,548,756 and KRW 134,632,027 among them. < Amended by Presidential Decree No. 27520, Sep. 29, 2016>
1. The assertion;
A. The Plaintiff’s assertion 1) On January 28, 201, the Plaintiff is only the Defendant Company A (hereinafter “Defendant Company”).
) A loan of KRW 200,000,000 to a general loan (hereinafter referred to as the “instant loan”).
(2) At the time of the instant loan, Nonparty C, a director in the company of the Defendant Company, entered into a joint and several guarantee contract with the Plaintiff on the said debt. (2) The Defendant Company was originally a corporate name D, but its trade name was changed to the Defendant Company on October 12, 201. At the time of the instant loan, the Plaintiff was the NAF, which was the NAF, but at the time of the instant loan, the Plaintiff was the NAF, but only the bank business
3) On January 6, 2013, Defendant B entered into a joint and several guarantee agreement with the Plaintiff on the instant loan obligations. 4) The Plaintiff has been engaged in the issuance of a letter of credit and other financial transactions (hereinafter “other transactions”) in addition to the instant loan transactions with the Defendants.
5) 피고들은 이 사건 대출채무에 대한 이자를 지급하지 아니하여 기한의 이익을 상실하였고, 2016. 7. 18. 현재 피고들은 원금 134,632,027원, 미수이자 13,022,154원, 연체이자 43,894,575원 등 합계금 191,548,756원을 지급하지 않고 있으므로 원고는 청구취지 기재와 같은 판결을 구한다. 나. 피고들의 주장 1) 2011. 8. 경 그리스 국가부도 위기를 맞이하게 되어 환율이 급등하게 되자, 정부는 기업들이 환율급상승으로 인한 일시적인 유동성부족으로 원리금 상환에 �기지 않도록 은행에 대하여 만기연장이나 신규대출 등 적극적인 지원을 하도록 요청하였다.
2. Nevertheless, the Plaintiff did not comply with the Defendants’ promise even though, in the event of exchange rate fluctuations in relation to other transactions, the Plaintiff extended the payment date until the desired date. The Defendants’ excessive application of additional interest on temporary unpaid principal and interest in relation to the instant loan obligations and other obligations arising from other transactions.