(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2017.09.21 2017고단5919



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for three years.


Punishment of the crime

1. Fraud;

A. On August 2, 2017, the Defendant called the victim C’s mobile phone selling business of gift certificates around 10:00 on August 2, 2017 and called the victim C’s mobile phone selling business of gift certificates to have KRW 500,500,000. The purchase price is the next day because there is no money.

“A false representation was made.”

However, in fact, the defendant had to pay the debt in one month of approximately KRW 70 million, and even when paying the gift certificates, the defendant has been prevented from returning the money created in other places because the interest to pay in one month of the debt exceeds KRW 10 million, and the payment of the gift certificates has been sealed, so even if he/she sold the gift certificates received from the injured party, he/she has thought to use the money in another place, and there

The Defendant deceivings the victims of merchandise coupon retail business through D, and was issued KRW 50,000 merchandise coupon 10,000 won at the market price owned by the victim through the above D prior to the “G” shop operated by the Defendant on the frontway in Seoul Jung-gu, Seoul. From around 14:00 on the same day, the Defendant was issued from the victims of merchandise coupon retail business.

2) On August 3, 2017, the Defendant called the victim’s husband D’s cell phone on August 3, 2017 and called “sponsing KRW 100 million.”

This gift certificate is sold in KRW 98,90,000,000, which makes a false statement.

However, in fact, the Defendant did not have merchandise coupons equivalent to KRW 100 million and had a plan to flee to receive money from the injured party, and there was no intention or ability to supply merchandise coupons even if he received money from the injured party.

The Defendant, as such, by deceiving the victim through D, received KRW 98,90,00 from the Korean bank account (Account Number: H) of the name of the Defendant in the name of KRW 13:04 on the same day from the victim to whom he/she belongs, for the gift certificate payment.

B. The defrauded against the victim I is a merchandise coupon operated by the victim I on August 3, 2017.