(영문) 대전지방법원서산지원 2014.09.25 2013가합5816



1. As to the Plaintiff B’s KRW 16,466,035 and its KRW 6,940,573 among them, the Defendant shall pay KRW 9,525,462 on November 14, 2013.


1. Basic facts

A. The Republic of Korea, around 1972, completed the registration of ownership preservation on each of the lands listed in the separate sheet Nos. 1 through 10, and D installed 40 greenhouse houses on each of the respective lands above ground. around December 2012, Plaintiff B consented to 40 farming houses in the above 40 greenhouse houses until the factories, which were designated as industrial complexes from D, occupy the above land. (2) around 2005, Plaintiff B completed the registration of ownership transfer on each of the lands listed in the separate sheet No. 11 through 13, and installed 9 greenhouse houses on the above land.

3) Since around 2003, E completed the registration of ownership transfer with respect to the land listed in 10,475 shares and 161 shares in the land listed in [Attachment List No. 14 and 15] among the land listed in [Attachment List No. 14] in [Attachment List No. 203 (hereinafter “F land”).

(B) On December 20, 2012, Plaintiff B leased F land from E as of January 1, 2013 to December 30, 2013, and KRW 10 million as lease deposit. (b) Plaintiff B and I leased F land as of December 1, 2013 to KRW 10 million.

From January 2013, in order to cultivate the vegetation in G and H land (hereinafter “G and H vinyl”) and F land, the vinyl was opened and repaired, installed the pipe water facilities, spread fertilizers and composts, and spread the sprink.

2) On May 26, 2013, Plaintiff A paid KRW 48 million for the name of the seed cost and personnel expenses, etc. necessary to cultivate the vegetation from G land to Plaintiff A around May 26, 2013 (hereinafter “instant confirmation”). The following confirmations were prepared (hereinafter “instant confirmation”).

3) Each secretary: Shall bring about KRW 48,00,000 to the cost of miscellaneous expenses, such as the amount of I’s seeds and personnel expenses. G dry field is the main owner (A), the farmer as the Plaintiff, and the Plaintiff B (the manager);

(b) the remainder is a grodic glaps;