(영문) 대전지방법원 2014.04.24 2013노2502




The appeal is dismissed.


Summary of Grounds for Appeal

It is only true that the defendant has introduced the victim F to C and has recommended investment, and there is no fact that he has deceiving the victim in collusion with C by deceiving the victim.

The sentencing of the court below's decision on unfair sentencing (2 million won of fine) is too unreasonable.


The judgment of the court below on the assertion of mistake of facts is based on the evidence duly adopted and examined, i.e., ① the victim sought an explanation of investment in the dissolved product business from C and the defendant in E office with I, and the defendant solicited the victim to make an investment, such as “C to assist the victim to recover the principal after sending the investment money to the account under the name of the defendant,” and ② the defendant received 5 million won of the investment money from C on August 12, 2010 from I to receive 5 million won of the investment money from the victim at the time of receiving the transfer of the money from the victim, i.e., "I and the victim agreed to lend the investment money received from the victim to G and receive profits after adding the money to KRW 5 million of the investment money to KRW 9,160,000 on the same day, and the defendant was aware of the fact that the defendant was actually using the money in the name of the victim for the purpose of lending the money to G for the purpose of lending the money to KRW 9,500,00,000.