(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2016.02.16 2013가단335721



1. The Defendant’s KRW 35,832,329 as well as the Plaintiff’s annual rate of 5% from January 9, 2013 to February 16, 2016, and the following.


1. Occurrence of liability for damages;

A. 1) The defendant's vehicle B and C (hereinafter "the defendant's vehicle")

A) On January 9, 2013, B entered into an automobile comprehensive insurance contract with respect to the vehicle. (2) On January 10:45, 2013, B driven the Defendant’s vehicle (Ma1) and proceeded at the speed of 21 to 30km/h/h of the E apartment 201 at a speed of 60km in Yangcheon-gu Seoul, Yangcheon-gu, Seoul, at a speed of 21 to 21 to h/h of the two lanes, and left to the right to the same-sex, depending on the math pedestrian signal.

(3) Due to the instant accident, the Plaintiff was suffering from an injury, such as the closure of the Matern 11, 12, and the closure of the non-alleys, etc. [Ground for recognition: Facts without dispute, Gap’s evidence Nos. 1, 3, 8, and the purport of the entire pleadings.]

B. According to the above fact of recognition of liability, the defendant is liable for the damages suffered by the plaintiff due to the accident of this case as an insurer.

2. In addition to the matters stated below within the scope of liability for damages, each corresponding item of the Schedule of Calculation of Compensation for Damages shall be as follows, and in principle, the period for the convenience of calculation shall be calculated on a monthly basis, but less than the last month and less than KRW 1 shall be discarded.

The calculation of the current value at the time of the accident shall be based on the discount method that deducts the interim interest calculated at the rate of 5/12 per month.

In addition, it is rejected that the parties' arguments are not stated separately.

The Plaintiff’s personal information: 2) Income and operating period in the annexed sheet of calculation of damages amount: urban daily wage of ordinary people, 22th day of each month, and 3) rate of loss of labor ability due to pressure pressure for labor ability (neviet surgery), 32% of the rate of loss of labor ability due to pressure pressure (neviet) and 3 years from the award date (i.e., the Mabrid Disability Assessment Table 1-A-1-c., the occupational coefficient 5).