(영문) 수원지방법원 2016.12.15 2015가단146398



1. The Defendant (Counterclaim Plaintiff) is one of the lands listed in the separate sheet for the Plaintiff (Appointed Party, Counterclaim Defendant) and the Appointor.


A principal lawsuit and a counterclaim shall be deemed simultaneously.

Basic Facts

G forest land G 248 square meters (from H land below to August 6, 2012; hereinafter referred to as “first land”) is the current state.

Of them, the Plaintiff shares 17/248, D/ 248, shares of 9.9/248, shares of Selection E/248, shares of Selection F/248, shares of 19.8/248, shares of Selection C/248, shares of Selection C/248, and shares of 1/3 of the Defendant.

(B) The share of money is owned by the Nonparty. The land category was changed from a forest to a road on February 8, 2013 to a forest and field around the land category of H 215 square meters (the land category was changed to a forest around February 8, 2013; hereinafter referred to as “second-party land”) is owned by the Selection C, and the Defendant owns 1/40 shares, respectively.

(B) The share of money is owned by the Nonparty. The real estate details in the vicinity of the land owned by the Plaintiff, the Appointor D, E, C, and the Defendant are as follows:

(1) The Plaintiff is entitled to permission for development of a road site on February 12, 2013, for the purpose of creating a road site on the land (hereinafter referred to as “road site”) on the following grounds: (1) The Plaintiff is entitled to the permission for development of a road site on the land (hereinafter referred to as “J site”) 868 square meters in JJ site (hereinafter referred to as “D”). < Amended by Act No. 11610, Feb. 12, 2011>

On July 15, 2014, this Court 2014da27025 case of ownership transfer registration between the defendant and the appointed party C, the voluntary mediation (hereinafter referred to as "relevant case mediation") was established.

The following and the defendant and the appointed parties C shall cooperate with each other in the administrative procedures necessary to use land No. 1 and No. 2 as roads.

E. The Plaintiff and the designated parties filed an application against the Defendant for provisional injunction against interference with passage at this Court 2015Kahap10314.

On January 25, 2016, the above court was "the plaintiff."