(영문) 대구지방법원 포항지원 2018.11.15 2017가단4360



1. Of the distribution schedule prepared by the said court on August 8, 2017 with respect to distribution procedure B cases at Daegu District Court Port Branch B.


1. Basic facts

A. The Plaintiffs’ provisional attachment, etc. 1) The Plaintiffs are U.S. Industrial Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “U.S. Industrial Development”).

In order to revoke the execution of provisional seizure under the preceding paragraph on December 16, 2016, the Daegu District Court (Seoul District Court Decision 126,250,000 won, respectively, and 19,000 won, respectively, in the case of original civil works of the Plaintiff Co., Ltd.) filed an application for provisional seizure of real estate listed in the attached list owned by the development of e-mail industry (2016Kadan815) with respect to the Daegu District Court (2016Kadan815). On June 27, 2016, the development of this industry completed provisional seizure registration of the above real estate (2) on December 16, 2016, the claim for provisional seizure was changed to the claim for provisional seizure of Daegu District Court (No. 151,151), 250,000 won, and the claim for provisional seizure against the Republic of Korea (No. 250,000 won).

B. 1) The Defendant filed an application for a payment order for the payment of the supervision service cost (204,837,900 won) against the development of related industry against the Goyang Branch of the District Court (2016.3596). On June 1, 2016, the said court issued the payment order stating that “The development of milk industry is 204,837,900 won and damages for delay are paid to the Defendant.” 2) The Defendant issued the payment order under the preceding paragraph with the title of title to the Daegu District Court Port Branch of the District Court (2017TTTTTT2344) as the title of execution for the claim for the collection of the deposit of this case, and received the payment order on June 2, 2017 from the said court (156,671,424 won).

3) On the other hand, the development of milk industry brought an objection against the above payment order at the Jung-gu District Court Goyang Branch (2017Gahap896), and the above court filed an objection against the above payment order until March 18, 2018 to the Defendant until May 31, 2018.