(영문) 부산지방법원 2018.05.17 2017나58083



1. The decision of the court of first instance against the defendant in excess of the following order of payment.


1. Basic facts

A. C was the actual representative of E Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “Nonindicted Company”) from May 24, 2013 to July 17, 2015. D is a person who has worked for the same period for Nonparty Company as a business director and provided information to investors and has been in charge of personnel management.

B. C, at the end of May, 2013, acquired G Co., Ltd., a telegraphic body of the non-party company from F, a branch of the non-party company, without compensation, and decided to conduct an investment business (hereinafter “the instant business”) with D, a business director of the company, which moved H into the name of the representative director, and also with D, an investment business of NPL credit (which means the total amount of non-performing loans and non-performing loans and the amount of non-performing

C. C shall purchase NPL claims and real estate, and shall take charge of the overall operation of the company, and D shall allocate most of the invested money in the manner of monthly pay and allowances of their own and employees with the explanation of the product, and shall engage in business and acquire the investment money by means of giving priority dividends to the newly invested money.

C and D concluded, on March 9, 2015, that “When investing money, 3% of the investment principal of each month shall be paid as dividends after purchasing NPL claim, which is non-performing loans sold in the first financial right, and selling proceeds shall be paid as dividends, and when the maturity of six months or one-year maturity is returned, 10% of the investment amount shall be paid as allowances if new investors are recruited.”

In fact, however, from 7% to 10% for the team members directly attracting the victims, from 1% to 3% for the team team members, from 0.25% to 14% of the investment principal as allowances respectively, and from 0.25% to 0.25% for the team members, from 8.25% to 14% of the investment principal was immediately invested as allowances, and from 2% to 3% as dividends for the victims, 6% to 9% if the contract period is three months.