(영문) 대구지방법원 2017.08.18 2017고정1291




A A shall be punished by a fine of one million won, and the defendant B shall be punished by a fine of one million won.

The above fines are imposed by the Defendants.


Punishment of the crime

1. Defendant A is a person engaged in driving a CK5 taxi.

On May 11, 2017, the Defendant driving the above taxi on around 03:25, and driving the front road of the 46-distance intersection at the early high school located in Daegu North-gu, Daegu-gu, in accordance with the speed of about 40 to 50km from the elementary school that achieved the passage of the 46-distance intersection to the citizen playground.

Since there is an intersection where a signal is installed, there was a duty of care to prevent accidents in advance by driving safely in accordance with the traffic signals, while driving a motor vehicle to a person engaged in driving a motor vehicle.

Nevertheless, even though the Defendant neglected this and the signal was changed to a yellow signal, it was caused by the Defendant’s failure to enter the intersection into the intersection as is, and the Defendant’s approach from the right side of the road to the intersection, which led to the Defendant’s operation of the victim D(22(S) driving in front of the left side of the car in the case of the Defendant’s driving.

Ultimately, the Defendant suffered injury to the above victim, such as salt, tension, etc. of the bones of wood, which requires approximately two weeks of medical treatment, due to the above occupational negligence.

2. When and at the place specified in paragraph (1) of this Article, Defendant B D driven by the Defendant who was the same passenger in order to conceal the facts of driving after traffic accidents occurred.

In order to ask statements, the defendant made a false confession.

Accordingly, the Defendant, at the time and place indicated in paragraph 1, was asked by F to ask questions as to who had been driven by the Defendant while driving a car in the above SP area, and the Defendant was driving the said car according to the above D’s teacher, although the Defendant did not have caused a traffic accident in violation of signal.

A false statement was made.

As a result, the defendant got the defendant to escape the above D who committed a crime corresponding to a fine or heavier punishment.

Summary of Evidence

1. Defendants’ each.