(영문) 대전지방법원천안지원 2020.10.16 2020고단1375




A Imprisonment with prison labor for 9 months, for 10 months, for 10 months, for 6 months, for 6 months, for each of the following.



[The guilty portion] Defendant A and Defendant D are legally in a marital relationship, and Defendant B is the dynamics of the above D, and Defendant C is the father of the above D.


A, Defendant B, and Defendant C came to know of the fact that Victim E (Nam, 39 years of age) entered into an internal relationship with the said D and she borrowed money from her female, they came to gather the victim with Defendant D, along with Defendant D.

1. The Defendants’ joint criminal conduct (joint confinement, joint injury, and coercion) led to the Defendant’s joint criminal conduct (joint confinement, joint injury, and joint coercion) in front of the Festuries in the Dong-gu, Chungcheongnam-gu, Chungcheongnam-gu, Seoul on December 20, 2019. While waiting outside the Defendant B, the Defendant A and the Defendant D, entering the above her joint criminal conduct into the above her joint criminal conduct, and enticed the Defendant D to send e-mail to the victim.

In addition, around 01:22 on December 21, 2019, when the victim arrived at the above head room, Defendant A, with single hand, carried the victim's head debt and carried the buck with other hand, and Defendant B, who was waiting outside the room, carried the victim's clothes and face with drinking inside the above head room on December 21, 2019, carried the victim's clothes and buck face into the above head room at hand, taken the victim's clothes over the floor, forced the victim to cut off the cell phone, cut off the cell phone, cut off the cell phone, and searched the victim's photograph and video with the victim's cell phone by releasing the fright, and searched it into the victim's cell phone.

Since then, Defendant C received contact from Defendant B and arrived at the above conference around 02:00 on December 21, 2019, and, at the same time on December 21, 2019, Defendant C took twice the face of the victim by the elderly wharf, and “the victim shall have a water adviser, receive water from the bath, and do so.” The victim’s shoulder shall be cut one time by hand, and Defendant B took the head of the victim’s hair.

As a result, the Defendants jointly confined the victims for about four hours, and inflict on the victims about 21 days of medical treatment.