(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2016.02.05 2014가합592863

진정명의회복을 위한 소유권이전등기 등


1. The defendant shall grant the plaintiff A a 1/5 share of each of the real estate listed in the separate sheet, and the above real estate to the plaintiff B.


In fact, the land investigation division prepared by the Land Survey Bureau of the Japanese Government of the Japanese Government of the Japanese Government of the Japanese Government of the Japanese Government of the Japanese Government of the Japanese Government of the Japanese Government of the Japanese Government of the Japanese Government of the Japanese Government of the Japanese Government of the Japanese Government of the Japanese Government of the Japanese Government of the Japanese Government of

The plaintiffs F purchased C land from G on January 11, 1933, and completed the registration of ownership transfer on April 14, 193.

In accordance with the former Farmland Reform Act (amended and enforced by Act No. 31 of Jun. 21, 1949, repealed by Act No. 4817 of Dec. 22, 1994, hereinafter “former Farmland Reform Act”), the Defendant purchased the above land for the purpose of distributing farmland from F on June 21, 1949, and completed the registration of transfer of ownership in the name of the Defendant on January 28, 1969, under the receipt of the Suwon District Court Dongwon District Court Registry No. 1269 with respect to the land on January 28, 196.

C Land was subdivided into each land listed in the separate sheet (hereinafter referred to as “instant land”) after the following process:

C Before the subdivision of land, H 279 square meters before H 279 square meters, H 879 square meters, the net F of land indicated in Paragraph 9 of attached Table No. 7 of attached Table No. 7 of attached Table No. 8 of 188 square meters before the subdivision of land listed in Paragraph 5 of attached Table No. 6 of attached Table No. 125 square meters, as indicated in Paragraph 6 of attached Table No. 4 of attached Table No. 125, before the subdivision of land listed in Paragraph 8 of attached Table No. 8 of attached Table No. 125, before the subdivision of land, died on March 1, 1958. The deceased on March 8, 1964 by the deceased on March 1, 1964, the spouse’s property was deceased L (2/13) (1/13), Plaintiff A (1/13), the heir of the deceased, and Plaintiff B 1/3, the heir of the deceased, who is the heir of the deceased.

After that, on May 2, 1974, the deceased M with no child, and the deceased M solely inherited the deceased M's mother's property, and the deceased L on March 13, 1980.
