(영문) 대구지방법원 2018.05.01 2017고단7121



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.

However, the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for a period of two years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

The Defendant, from March 21, 2016 to Daegu-gu, is a person who works as a shop in the KT Agent Co., Ltd. (KT agency operated by C from March 21, 2016 and has been engaged in overall management of opening, selling, and agency management of mobile phones.

After the need for gambling funds, the Defendant used the information of customers who opened the mobile phone at the above agency by misappropriation, and used new mobile phone openings, or sold the mobile phone which was purchased and kept from the existing customers and used to use it.

1. On June 16, 2016, the Defendant forged a private document stating “E”, “F”, “F”, and “G” in the contact column in the customer name column of the site for the application for K Tmobble, using the tample mix in the above D, and signed E following the name.

Accordingly, the Defendant, for the purpose of uttering, forged the application form in the name of E, which is a private document related to rights and obligations, and forged the private document 25 times in total, as shown in attached Table 1, from around that time to August 19, 2017.

2. The Defendant: (a) accessed the date, time, and place specified in paragraph (1) to the KT Computer System; (b) entered “E”, “F”, and “G” in the contact column in the customer name column of the application form; and (c) signed the document on the name side of the document; and (d) sent the document to the employee in charge of opening the KT TT Telecommunication Co., Ltd. without knowledge of the document.

As a result, the Defendant, without authority, forged an application for joining a mobile phone in the name of E, an electronic records pertaining to rights and duties without authority for the purpose of hindering the management of affairs, and forged electronic records over 25 times from around that time to August 19, 2017, i.e., the daily list of crimes 1, and exercised them.

3. Fraud.