(영문) 창원지방법원 2015.02.12 2014고단2383



1. The defendant A shall be punished by imprisonment with prison labor for one year and by imprisonment with prison labor for eight months;

2.Provided, That this judgment shall become final and conclusive, respectively.


Punishment of the crime


A shall be a person who became a member of the Tae Jong-si Co., Ltd. in Gangseo-gu, Busan, Busan, on October 2001, and from July 2008 to July 4, 2008, Defendant B shall become a member of the D team of the Tae Chang-si Co., Ltd., and from January 2010 to D personnel after entering the said Tae-si Co., Ltd., and from January 201, Defendant B shall be a person who was in charge of the work to request an authorized agency to test, analyze and analyze lebane, Fin, etc., which are parts such as 9 pins, supplied to E, and submit the test report received from an authorized agency.

1. The sole criminal conduct of Defendant A;

A. On May 2008, Defendant A changed official document: (a) recorded “31”, which is the number necessary for the existing test report, in the office of Thai Construction Co., Ltd.; (b) changed the official document’s test report in the form of a copy after attaching it to the portion “11” among the test report (02-2008-01539) under the name of the Administrator of the Small and Medium Business Administration in Busan Ulsan District; and (c) changed the public document’s test report under the name of the Administrator of the Small and Medium Business Administration in the form of a copy from that time to August 2009 by the same method as shown in [Attachment 1) No. 1 to No. 4 of the crime list; and (d) changed the test report under the name of the Administrator of the Busan District

B. At around May 2008, Defendant A submitted to E the results of the alteration of the official document at the office of Tae Jong-sung Co., Ltd., Ltd. at the above time, and exercised the results of the alteration on a total of four occasions from that time to August 2009, as shown in [Attachment 1] No. 1 to No. 4 of the crime sight table.

C. In July 2008, Defendant A submitted the above modified test report to the victim E and received 260,000 won in return for the supply of parts to the victim. Defendant A received 2.60,000 won from that time through September 3, 2009 as stated in [Attachment 2] Nos. 1 to 3 of the List of Crimes in the same manner.