(영문) 의정부지방법원 2018.07.05 2018구합12942

사업시행인가무효확인 청구의 소


1. All of the plaintiffs' claims are dismissed.

2. The costs of the lawsuit shall include costs resulting from the participation.


Details of the disposition

The Governor of Gyeonggi-do, on November 5, 2007, planned and promoted the improvement of the residential environment, the expansion of infrastructure, and the recovery of urban functions in underdeveloped areas on a wide scale, and planned and efficient basis. In order to promote the balanced development of new and old-hour hours, the Gyeonggi-do Governor designated the area of area of area of Hayang-si and Hayang-dong 805,789 square meters as G urban renewal acceleration district pursuant to Article 5 (1) of the Special Act on the Promotion of Urban Renewal (amended by Act No. 10761, May 30, 201; hereinafter “former Urban Renewal Act”) as a G urban renewal acceleration district pursuant to Article 5 (1) of the former Special Act on the Promotion of Urban Renewal (amended

On February 13, 2010, the Defendant established an urban renewal acceleration plan for the G urban renewal acceleration district and applied for the determination of the urban renewal acceleration plan to the Gyeonggi-do Governor on February 13, 2010, and on July 29, 2010, the Gyeonggi-do Governor announced Kro in Gyeonggi-do. ① The Gyeonggi-do Governor announced Kro in Gyeonggi-do on July 29, 2010, 1) made an urban renewal acceleration plan with a content of extending the area of the urban renewal acceleration district previously designated from 805,789 square meters to 843,817 square meters to approximately 4.7% (hereinafter “instant urban renewal acceleration plan”). In addition, the determination of the urban renewal acceleration plan containing the details of

(2) The Governor of the Gyeonggi-do shall determine the urban environment improvement project in a housing redevelopment project area of 130,698 square meters in a housing redevelopment project area of 157,649 square meters in a housing redevelopment project area of 40,982 square meters in a housing redevelopment project area of 157,649 square meters in a housing redevelopment project area of 250 square meters in a housing redevelopment project area of 130,698 square meters in a housing redevelopment project area of 130,698 square meters in a housing redevelopment project area of 27,397 square meters in a housing redevelopment project area of 82,663 square meters in a housing redevelopment project area of 20,69 square meters in a housing redevelopment project area of 27,397 square meters in a housing redevelopment project area of 20,000 square meters in a housing redevelopment project