(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2016.06.14 2015가단5350040



1. The Plaintiff:

A. Defendant A shall complete the payment of KRW 32,966,424 and KRW 23,527,520 among them. < Amended by Presidential Decree No. 15844, Nov. 19, 1999>


1. On September 22, 2008, the Seoul Family Court issued a ruling to the effect that the report on qualified acceptance by the Defendant (Appointed Party) B, the appointed parties D, E, and F related to the inheritance of the decedent C on September 22, 2008, was accepted, and the facts finalized around that time do not conflict between the parties, or are recognized by comprehensively taking account of the overall purport of the pleadings as stated in the evidence Nos. 1 and 6, and No. 1 and No. 1.

2. According to the above facts of recognition, Defendant A is obligated to pay to the Plaintiff the amount of KRW 32,966,424 and KRW 23,527,520 among them with 18% interest per annum from November 19, 1999 to the date of full payment; Defendant A is jointly and severally obligated to pay the amount of KRW 10,988,808 and KRW 7,842,506 with the amount of KRW 18% interest per annum from November 19, 199 to the date of full payment; Defendant B, Appointed, and F are 7,325,872 won each, and 5,28,378,37 won with the rate of KRW 18% interest per annum from November 19, 199 to the date of full payment.

3. The plaintiff's claim for conclusion is with merit, and it is so decided as per Disposition.