(영문) 수원지방법원 2013.11.21 2012고정2633



The defendant shall be exempted from punishment.


Punishment of the crime

1. Before December 28, 201, the Defendant was sentenced to one year of imprisonment with prison labor for special larceny at the Suwon District Court, which became final and conclusive on January 2, 2012.

2. On September 25, 2008, the Defendant, without purchasing mandatory insurance, driven a B car owned by each of the Defendant on September 25, 2008, on the front day of Samsung Steel steel located in Asan-si, Asan-si, and on September 25, 2008, around 03:46, on September 25, 2008, while driving a B car car owned by each of the Defendant.

Summary of Evidence

1. Police suspect interrogation protocol of the accused;

1. Notification of non-insurance operational data;

1. Statement of the results of inquiry into matters concerning operation of non-insurance vehicles;

1. Previous records: Application of Acts and subordinate statutes on the screen of judgment and computerized data of consolidated cases;

1. Articles 38(2) and 7 of the former Guarantee of Automobile Accident Compensation Act (amended by Act No. 9065 of March 28, 2008) concerning criminal facts

1. The latter part of Article 37 and Article 39 (1) of the Criminal Act concerning concurrent crimes;

1. Exemption of punishment: The latter part of Article 39 and the latter part of Article 39 (1) of the Criminal Act (the principle of equity in cases where a decision is made concurrently with the case in which the fact is confirmed